Chapter 1

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I was walking around NXT, looking around for my good friend Adrienne or as you know her as, Ember Moon. I was walking past old and new faces, there were a few people who came up to me and said that they loved me and my work. I blushed and nodded my head while thanking God for my dark complexion.

I saw Ember's short figure and I creeped up behind her before yelling and hugging her tight. She screamed and fidgeted before turning around and yelling louder and hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back. With my 5'5 frame, we were both pretty short and made the best of friends. I opened my eyes and looked behind her to see four guys. I separated from Adrienne and her. I could feel one of their stares on me as I was talking to Adrienne.

"So you're gonna introduce me to your friends?" I asked teasingly. She looked confused until she looked behind her and saw the guys. She smiled playfully before clearing her throat and turning around.

"Natascha, this is Trent, Tyler, Mark and Pete." She said while pointing to each guy. I shook all of heir hands but my handshake lingered with Pete for some reason. I studied his body from his physique to his beautiful blue eyes. He had me mesmerized like a mofo.

"I loved your match with Dolph Ziggler, last week. I don't mean any disrespect in any way, but you have so much strength for being such a little thing." Mark said snapping Pete and I from our stare contest and handshake. I laughed at what he said and so did the others, except Pete. He just had that nasty snarl like he always does on TV. Yes I may or may not have watched some of his matches. So?

"Well I guess I'm like Tyler, we may be short but we have the strength of lions." I said walking to Tyler and wrapping my arms around him. He nodded cheekily and held me tight making me laugh. We were laughing but Pete had just been looking at me and having that snarl.

"Smart, strong, funny and're practically the perfect woman." Trent said. I smiled and moved my head to the side causing the guys to chuckle at me. While Ember, Tyler, Trent and Mark were talking, Pete came up to me and whispered in me.

"You look great by the way Love." I heard him say in his deep and raspy voice. I closed my eyes and savor his voice. He chuckled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How about we exchange numbers and we talk some more?" I asked, feeling bold

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"How about we exchange numbers and we talk some more?" I asked, feeling bold. He looked at me before handing his phone and I handed mine to him. I put my name as 'Nata💪🏾😜'. I got my phone back and he waved goodbye to us and winked to me before he left.

I looked down at phone to see his number and name.


I chuckled at the name before continuing the conversation. This boy.

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