We reached Hye Jin's room first. He wasn't there. Chanyeol then led me to the vocal room, where Jongdae and Suho were already seated. As I entered I bowed to them and they politely bowed back.

It was still a little awkward to talk, so we just sat in silence for sometime. Then finally Suho spoke up, "Y/N, did you wish to learn anything else?"

Should I tell him? Or would it be too weird? I decided to dodge it.

"Maybe guitar. Always had a thing for guitar."

"Ah then, no one better than Chanyeol." Said Jongdae smiling.

Chanyeol. Why not Baekhyun? Okay. Focus. You're going off track, learn what you wanted to learn.

"Really? Can I?" I replied eagerly.

"I will ask Chanyeol, he's a good teacher. He taught another hoobae in no time last year. If you practice well, he'd be able to teach you faster."

"I will! I will practice. It'd help with the singing too." I said gleefully.

" Yes it would" nodded Suho.

After Kyungsoo arrived, they tested my vocal strength. I was bad. Jongdae was too good. I couldn't hit the lows and the highs well. After an hour, we ended our practice for the day.

Jongdae then poked Kyungsoo, "Y/N wanted to learn guitar too."

Kyungsoo looked at me and asked, "guitar too?"

"What else did she want to learn?" Suho intervened curiously.

"She was here with Baek last weekend, learning the piano." He replied flatly.

"Y/N decide one and let us know, you can't cope with both instruments at the same time. You don't have the time to do justice to both instruments. Take it slow." Jongdae replied.

I looked at Kyungsoo. He seemed hurt somehow. Before I knew it, my brain blurted, " Guitar then."

" Okay I'll let Chanyeol know." Kyungsoo said closing his sheet music and left the room.

We left the room and I peeked into the piano room Hye Jin was in. Hye Jin was seated beside him. They both were laughing at something, way too much. Well, didn't he seem to be having fun?

I left the building and headed over to the dorm. I had too many things to work on to let Baekhyun invade my mind.

Hye Jin came back after an hour.

"Oye, where did you go?", She asked with hands on her waist, " I kept looking for you. Then Kyungsoo oppa said you left. Bad girl." She sat beside my table.

" I had some more assignments. So how was your class?"

" Oh so hilarious. Baekhyun sunbae is so funny, I kept laughing the whole time. He asked me to meet him tomorrow too. Apparently I need some more practice before going into the next level."

My mind began racing forward. He was meeting her again. Of Course, he could. Maybe I was getting a little to ahead of myself. He just helped me, he was being polite. And Hye Jin is way prettier than me. She's more fun to be with and you can have great conversations with her.

Her voice cut through my stream of consciousness, "oye. Dreamer girl. I'll have to go in the morning at around 9. Do you want to come too?"

I didn't want to disturb them, " umm no. I can't actually, it's good it turned out this way. I need to head out with Yong Hwa anyway."

"Ah with Yong Hwa again?" She made eyes at me.

Next morning I called Yong Hwa to ask him if he was free. We went to the library to do our presentations. We had lunch at the cafeteria and were heading to the field to go over some eachother's assignments before turning it in tomorrow. We sat on the benches when I heard Hye Jin.

" Y/N!"

I waved back and signalled to ask her come sit with us.

" What you guys been doing?" Asked Hye Jin.

" Studied. All day." I replied.

I felt Yong Hwa shift uneasily by me due to sudden intervention.

" Oh this is Yong Hwa. He's my classmate. Yong, this is my roommate,Hye Jin."

Hye Jin was going to the cafeteria to eat. Baekhyun would meet her there after closing the club room. Good that we already ate.

I hadn't met him at all the next week either. Hye Jin did, she had a couple of practice sessions. She would come back and tell me how good Baekhyun was and how well he taught her. He was a patient teacher.

On the day of the official meeting at the club that weekend, I got ready quickly and left the dorm. I was late, 10 minutes. As I walked to the building, multiple things ran through my mind. Would I see him today? I met Yong Hwa at the entrance to the music club ( as it turned out that he was extremely interested in music and was a musical prodigy. Enrolling in the club was his happiest moment.) and we went in. He stopped to discuss his enrollment with Chanyeol and I headed over to the vocal department. Peeping into the piano practice room, what I saw made me stop in my steps. Hye Jin was there, but Baekhyun wasn't teaching her, Yixing was. "That's odd", I thought.

We finished practice and Jongdae suggested that we all go to a barbeque place to celebrate and welcome the juniors who joined this year.

Hye Jin and I linked our arms together and sang songs as we walked. Yong Hwa calmly walked by me. He would occasionally look at us and laugh at our silliness.

I asked her quietly then, " Yixing sunbae was teaching you today?"

She looked over my shoulder at Yixing and said, "yes. He's so cute oh my God. He always smiles when I make a mistake and then his dimples take over my heart. I think I won't get better at playing that way. I'll keep making mistakes so that he can keep smiling at me and looking at me as though I'm a little bunny with my ears down." she squeezed my arm giggling.

I laughed with her. Hye Jin and her expressions. Yong Hwa curiously asked why we were laughing. Before I could say anything, Hye Jin chirped in between, "Nothing about you. She never says anything bad about you. Always good things."

I warned her with my eyes. Goodness, what would he think?

Yong Hwa obviously didn't understand what she meant. He looked blankly at her, "Huh?"

" Nothing. She's crazy. We were talking about a boy in her class. He's cute. So..." I trailed off.

" Oh. Okay."

I could see he wasn't satisfied with the answer.

I poked Hye Jin in the ribs.

" Okay anyway, why was it Yixing today?" I asked, still curious.

" I don't know. I didn't ask. I would have any other day. But I guess I imprinted on Yixing." She said looking far away.

I bursted out laughing. Hye Jin. Lord! How could she come up with such sentences?

"Yong Hwa! She has imprinted apparently." I passed on to the lonely and awkward Yong Hwa.

He laughed too, "is it now? Really? Hahaha."

We reached the Korean barbecue place and sat down. Jongdae, Hye Jin, Yong Hwa and I sat on one bench and opposite to us, Suho, Yixing, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol.

It was really yummy. I had told Hye Jin and Kyungsoo sunbae beforehand that I couldn't drink, so they kept the others from forcing me. Chanyeol was way too tipsy. We were having a gala time when Chanyeol called someone.

"Yes. Baekhyun is coming.",he said smiling widely.

"Yay! C'mon, pour me another one then. I'm too happy he's coming.",said Jongdae.

"Behave everyone. He's bringing his date.", Chanyeol warned as he picked up another piece of meat.

Hold it. Date?

And then they walked in. Baekhyun and a girl.

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