Chapter Six

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After getting to the infirmary area of camp, Captain Levi was to return to the Trost district and help get rid of the trapped titans so we could completely retake the area.

      My leg had been cleaned and bandaged, and I was told it should heal pretty quickly if it didn’t get infected. I sighed and leaned against a wall. Fala sat next to me panting. She had pulled a few muscles and had small cuts here and there, but nothing to serious. I was later led to an area where the injured would rest for the night, and fell asleep rather quickly due to my complete and utter exhaustion.


            I awoke the next morning still feeling a bit drowsy, and with a dull ache in my leg where I’d been injured. I got up and was given a clean uniform, and then Fala and I walked to the mess hall. I grabbed some food, and passed by Mikasa and Armin. I waved to them, but sat a couple of tables away, alone, except for a few people at the other end of the table. I wasn’t really in the mood to socialize, and I didn’t consider most of the other cadets as friends, more as just comrades.

            I’d almost finished eating, when a man walked in with a clipboard.

            “Are Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, and Iris Jacobs here?” the man called out.

            I stood along with the other two, and we walked out of the mess hall, I quickly had Fala finish up my food. The man lead us to a large building, it looked liked a courthouse to me.

            “No animals allowed,” the guy stated.

            I looked at the man through squinted eyes for a moment, and then grinned sweetly, “All right.”

I then proceeded to walk in, Fala still at my side.

“Hey! No animals!” The guy yelled, now standing in front of me.

“I heard you the first time mister, Fala isn’t an animal, she’s a soldier, so move out of the way,” I growled.

He opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off, “Let them in,” a deep, cool-headed voice spoke.

I looked behind me to see Captain Levi walking with a tall blonde man that I recognized as Captain Erwin, and a few other members of the Scout Regiment.

“Yes, sir,” the man replied grudgingly.

I walked in, Fala at my heels, but didn’t acknowledge Captain Levi. We were all lead into a courtroom, and I stood beside Armin. A few moments later, Eren was led into the room, handcuffed, but otherwise unharmed. He was restrained as the hearing commenced. The “judge” walked in, if you could even call him that, he was just the man deciding what to do with Eren for this case, and wasn’t even a legitimate judge.

Both the Military and Scout regiments spoke about what they each felt was the right thing to do with Eren. The “judge” listened intently, and was surprised at the Scout Regiment’s somewhat short explanation. He continued on to ask questions, and the hearing was interrupted a couple of times by different people in the crowd. The “judge” proceeded to ask Mikasa some questions, but deemed her opinion biased due to her relationship with Eren.

“Let’s see… Iris Jacobs is present,” he called out throughout the courtroom. 

I stepped forward slightly, “Yes sir,” I said formerly, and saluting.

“Hm, firstly what is your relation to Eren Jaegar? Are you friends?” he questioned.

“He is a comrade,” I answered.

The judge seemed to think, then was about to open his mouth to move on with the hearing, and direct his attention to someone else, but I cut him off. 

“Nothing more, nothing less,” I finished.

He looked back to me, in slight surprise, “So, he is a fellow soldier? And that is all?” the “judge” confirmed.

“Yes sir,” I replied.

“Very well, what did you see during the fight yesterday, having to do with Jaegar?” he asked.

“In titan form, he was able to kill many other titans, and was also able to seal the hole in the wall of the Trost District,” I answered with a straight face.

“So, did you, or did you not see Eren being extracted from the body of a titan?”

“I did”

“And did this same titan, try to kill Mikasa Ackerman?”

“He did,” I replied curtly.

The judge paused, “Do you believe that he is a benefit to humankind?”

I thought for a few moments, feeling the tension in the room, and seeing the fat merchant across from me growing red with anger. I then looked straight into the “judge’s” eyes, “I believe, that we can learn a great deal from Jaegar, and that he may possibly bring about more victories. Furthermore, to kill him, would be a fatal mistake for human kind.” I answered truthfully and sincerely.

The judge nodded thoughtfully, and continued with the case. At some point, Captain Levi walked up to Eren and began basically pulverizing the kid. I remained silent, but anger built up inside me, as Eren grew more bloodied and battered with every hit. Fala barked loudly, and it echoed throughout the courtroom. I sucked in a breath and gave her a sharp look, which caused her to whimper and back off. Everyone was quite now.

 “Iris Jacobs…” the judge said, looking at a paper in front of him, “Ranked 4th in the 104th Training Corps, and owner of humankind’s first non-human soldier.”

“Partner,” I corrected.

The man chuckled and rubbed his temples, “A canine soldier, and a human Titan, what have we come to,” he mumbled to himself. 

He cleared his throat, and waited for Levi’s proposal. Levi sighed in annoyance at being interrupted. He proposed that Eren be under the control of the Scout Regiment, so they could test whether or not he could be controlled.

The judge sat thinking for a while. Then nodded, “We will decide Eren Jaegar’s fate another day, for now he is to be placed with the Scout Regiment until further notice, directly under Corporal Levi’s care,” he paused, then chuckled lowly,

“And I will put Iris Jacobs in your care as well, being his comrade she’ll know more about keeping him under control than the rest of you, and why not put the two misfits together?”

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