We're Not Dating!

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"But wow, Chuuya" Dazai whispered as he sat next to Chuuya who continued to read the book he had been reading before Dazai interrupted him by taking his hat "I hadn't expected you actually liked me that much." he added.

"What the hell do you mean by that, Dazai?" Chuuya glared at him.

"Well if you wanted to have sex at our age, I wouldn't mind if you just asked. Although, we have to keep it a secret from everyone else for now." Hirotsu's attention from his paperwork had been interrupted again by the sound of a fist landing hard on someone's face and he immediately saw Dazai falling on the floor just a few feet away from Chuuya.

"The hell would I ever do that with you, you waste of space! I'd rather die first than have your hands all over me!" Chuuya yelled at the other boy who slowly sat up, feeling his punched cheek.

"How bold, Chuuya. Is that your way of saying you wanna commit suicide, too? Let's do it!"

"Fuck you!"

Hirotsu sighed deeply, massaging his temples to relax himself. He should definitely remember to tell Kouyou and Mori to never leave these two in his care again or else he might die at a much earlier age from all this stress. Dazai must never be together with Chuuya and vice versa if nobody wants to see the other almost getting killed because of his non-stop insults and teasing whilst the other is on the verge of actually killing him while throwing non-stop curses.

But, as luck--and probably the worst one at that--would have it, Mori had assigned the two to become partners during their missions and Hirotsu could only pray that the boss hadn't made the wrong decision. He didn't want to find out that their executive-to-be had been murdered by his partner during their mission because he lost his temper.

But, again, as luck would have it, all Dazai and Chuuya's missions had been a success. They had even been called the most dangerous pair to ever walk on Yokohama's street, gaining the title of "Double Black" or "Soukoku" from the Port Mafia men and the citizens after they had taken down a gifted organization overnight. There had been no report of the ginger almost killing his partner out of rage, so to say--okay, there was one but since it was Dazai and Chuuya together, anyone would've expected that.

The one thing nobody did expect was the sound of moaning in the janitor's closet, a year after. One of the men had been patrolling the hallways when he heard a sound from behind the door of the janitor's closet. With a gun in hand, ready to fire, he carefully turned the handle and opened the door with haste, only to find their new executive making out with his partner against the wall of the dark room.

It was a sight nobody was expecting to see, really. And the two had been to drunk on themselves to even register what had happened until the said member had immediately closed the door and walked off. That was when the story of "Double Black are dating" begun and it spread like a huge wildfire until every single member of the Mafia was aware of Dazai and Chuuya's relationship.

Everyone except for Dazai and Chuuya themselves.

Even if everything adds up completely from the kiss marks found on Chuuya's neck and the scratches on Dazai's to the struggle the ginger does in walking straight one morning and the sweaty Dazai that enters the conference room late during a meeting, if you ever mention in front of them that they're dating, they'd deny it before you could even say "Soukoku".

"Chuuya, is it true?" Elise asked the ginger who was currently seated in front of her and having tea with the Port Mafia princess, herself. They were currently in the Port Mafia private dining hall for higher-ups.

"Is what true?" Chuuya asked the blonde, taking a sip of his tea.

"Are you and Dazai dating?" Chuuya almost choked on his tea as the question came out of Elise's lips.

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