😾 Jealousy 😡

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"HAHA Parker...put me down!!" "Alright if u insits" *falls backwards* "WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN-AHHH" *SPLASH💦*  Great.. now I'm wet again XD. Oh well "PARKER THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT *GIGGLES* "At least I put you down" "ye at least" now being with parker is different.. WAIT am I developing a crush on Parker!! "Y/N? R U OK??" SHOOT SAY SOMETHING Y/N!! "Wha- Y-Yea I'm fine" " Oh gosh are still mad???" "What?!? No it's just that- UGH IDK" Parker took my hand and said "it's going to be ok" I missed him 🙂.

We stared into each other eyes and then he leaned closer to my face like he was gonna kiss me... I guess I leaned in too..

"Awww their In love 😍" Zuri said "UR KIDDING ME !! Y/N OVER HERE" *waves hand* she must have heard me bc she was shocked..

Wait........what just happened???? Was I seriously gonna kiss Y/N??? What's happing to me??? I mean I was pretty disappointed when someone called her name and- wait......IM WITH KATIE THE ONE I LOVE!!! Or.... do I love her??? UGH WHY ME!!! "Parker uhh... l guess I have to go..."  "awwhh why 😣" "Bc my friends are calling me ☹️" "they can hang w/us" "awwwhh your so sweet" *kisses cheek* she kissed my cheek omg I'm blushing aren't I???  "COME OVER HERE!!" Y/N yelled.

Luke pov:
"Welp idk bout you Luke but I'm going w/ Y/N idc about the ice cream anymore" Zuri said leaving to go hang with Y/N. Man I'm so upset, but imma go over there to make sure
nothing goes on between them 😒. Wait I know what you guys are gonna ask.... Me? Jealous that Y/N is hanging with another dude than me????

A/N: SUP ANIME GIRLS AND BOISSSS (yes I said that I might say it often 😑😑😑) Sorry for the loooonnnnnggggg wait but I did it I posted it!!! How will Luke act with Parker??? How will parker act??? Will you put up with it??? Who knows!!!! Btw I kinda couldn't post bc I had to delete the app bc of my sister 😠😠 sorry guys!! But I posted it!! Sorry it's so short

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