"This isn't about me, son," he warns in a parental tone. "This is about the suspicious and raucous activity going on down the street. How do I know you and this young lady aren't involved in this party we got a call about? That warehouse is in restricted area."

"Maybe we are, maybe we aren't," Jason bargains, shrugging. He sounds confident and unfazed and controlled, all at once. "Do you have proof? And it doesn't matter anyway, since all you're doing is clearing the party out. And checking for substances, no doubt. But we've got nothing on us and you have nothing on us. We were just... what'd you call it? Canoodling."

As I glance between him and the policeman, I feel like we're back in the Anatomy classroom on my first day, when Jason pulled his skateboard stunt and everyone applauded his performance. I realize suddenly that a lot of what he does is to make a point about himself. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, even if what he does to make it is... well, bad.

The officer obviously sees Jason's point now, because he tilts his head back, conceding. He turns the beam of the flashlight to my face for a second and jerks his chin at me. "What do have to say about this, young lady?"

I'm kind of freaked out at this run-in with the law, but the calm and logical part of me takes over, kind of like my twin does. "We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, officer," I admit. I push myself off the car and lace my fingers through Jason's. "But we weren't doing anything wrong."

The cop straightens his holster again and finally relents at my innocence. We're just a couple of dumb kids to him. That's what Jason was trying to make him think - that's why he kissed me so suddenly, so the cop would see.

"Alright, you kids get out of here," he instructs, jerking his thumb behind him."You shouldn't be out in the streets at all at this hour. That reminds me..." He pulls out his walkie-talkie. "Gary, let's talk about setting up a curfew for these teenagers. It'll cut down on the complaints and activities, that's for sure... Over." He looks back at Jason. "As for you, young man. If I see you again you better have a more valid excuse than luck, timing, and a pretty girl. For your sake."

Then he gets into his car. Jason watches him as he drives off and turns the corner. Then he actually rolls his eyes like the whole thing was exasperating for him. I exhale with something like relief.

"That was close, huh?" Jason asks me, grinning and tugging me along.

"Yeah. Close." My voice sounds odd and distant, like I don't have control of it. I surely don't have much control over my limbs - I'm only moving because he's pulling me.

He glances over his shoulder. "Sorry for grabbing you like that. It was the best way to throw the cop off."

Shit, I'm not complaining. That's what he thinks I'm shaken up about? Him making out with me? Yeah, his lips and hands are very distracting, especially when they're on me, but that's not why I'm a little panicky and dazed and overwhelmed.

"It's okay," I assure him. "You don't have to apologize. That was..." I nod, impressed. "Just wow Quick thinking. And good acting."

"Not all of it was acting." The corner of his mouth lifts with a smile. He looks me up and down. "So you're good?"

I swallow hard. "Yeah."

"Then why are you shaking?" he wonders, stopping beside his car and holding my hand up by the wrist. Sure enough I'm trembling a little and I didn't even realize it. But I know exactly why.

"It's just adrenaline and energy." I steady my hand and lower it, but Jason doesn't let go. "From getting stopped by that cop and getting out of it. Barely That was crazy. And close. Like, we just had drugs on us ten minutes ago." I pause, feeling a familiar bundle of nerves unraveling and spreading to my fingers. "And my Adderall jitters are making it worse."

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