Kill Or Be Killed

726 24 16

Jonathan's POV

You know that feeling when you just want to stab the shit out of something?Where you feel so sick. Not physically but mentally?

I mean all of us are sick right? At times? Never? Well I'm sick and twisted.

Ever since that night I have been. That was the night that I found out my love for murder.

When you hear the victim beg for mercy. When you see the light in their eyes fade away. The satisfaction of stabbing them.

I think I just think like that. I'm well know over Los Santos. I've never been caught and no one knows what's under my mask. But they call me Delirious. I'm delirious outta my mind.

I can go out in public and people won't even know that a murder is standing right next to them.

They just see another human being. But I'm not a regular human being sweet heart.

You can tell when you're gunna die with me. I like to make my victims suffer just like I did.

Oh and to all the kids out there, be careful who you bully. And to adults, watch who you're abusing.

I've been bullied and abused my whole life. Do you see my parents? Or the kids who treated me like shit?

No? Ha! You won't see them in the pretty picture that I've painted. I watched them bleed and die.

But hey, in this life it kill or be killed.

I was walking down the street. I was dark outside. I looked at my phone. 12:34. Okay, this is the time I usually like to strike.

I saw this man. He looked my age. He had raven black hair that was spiked up, sunglasses, which was weird, and a red jacket with white stripes.

I waited and put my mask on. He walked into a dark alley. I chuckled. Dumb ass.

I let him get further down the alley. I quietly followed behind him. He doesn't know what he just got himself into.

He suddenly stopped. "I know you're there." He said without turning around. I growled under my breath and charged at him.

He grabbed me by my neck and held me against the brick wall. "Why hello Delirious." He said I'm a low voice.

He was strong but I managed to get free. I tried to stab him but a gun shot stopped me. My attention was in where the bullet came from.

I was forcefully pushed against the wall again. He held my neck down more forcefully.

I dug my fingernails into his skin. "Don't try anything. I have a sniper on the roof and cameras watching every move you make." He said a little angrier.

He pulled out a gun and held it against my skull. "Join us or this time, this bullet won't miss."

I glared at him. "I really don't have a choice." I said. "Join us or die." He repeated.

I acted this out and sighed. "Fine, I'll join you." I pretended to surrender. He smirked evilly.

He grabbed me by my arm and spoke into an ear piece. "Bring er' around." He said.

After a few seconds, a black van pulled in. It reversed into the alley.

The doors opened, revealing two guys sitting down and their eyes glued to the computer monitors.

One man was wearing a pink shirt that turned orange at the bottom, blue pants, and checkered sneakers.

The other man was wearing a green button up t-shirt, black baggy jeans, and with white sneakers.

"Hey Nogla." The guy holding me said. The one with the green shirt looked up.

The guy that was holding my arms forcefully threw me in the van. "Make sure he doesn't get any smart ideas."

The back of the van closed. Well, there goes my plan. This so called Nogla guy nodded.

A felt eyes on me. I looked over to see a guy wearing a monkey mask next to me. "Hey, you're Delirious. The killer who never gets caught." He said in a squeaky voice.

I didn't talk and nodded. "I'm Lui." He said and out- stretched his hand for me to shake. "Delirious bit you already know that."

The rest of the car ride was silent. I don't know where we are going, but what I do know, is that I'm not staying with these assholes.

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