Lizzy nodded and walk back to the opposite corridor to exit.


Cayzen dashed through the east in speed. He jumped through the outer corridor, way up to the rooftop to see the fierce, hungry wyvern wandering around at the east field.

He wields his sword by just swaying his arms.

A dark fire and smoke appear, creating a black sword. Its blades are sharp with the darkness that can cut and turn everything into oblivion. He held the sword on its tremendous, positioning himself to fight the target.

His aura turn cold as he charges through the target, swinging the blade deep on the wyvern's throat.

Blood splatters around the ground, making the grass turns red.

The wyvern scream in agony, feeling the pain and blood on its throat.

Cayzen dashed again to finish the creature, targeting the head down to its chest.

But the wyvern seems distracted, but still countering Cayzen's attack by flapping its wings enough to blow his weight to the ground.

Cayzen analyzed the surrounding, his eyes flames in anger when he saw a person behind the wyvern.

He runs quickly as the wyvern starts to step towards the person.

He went under the creature, knowing he won't make it in time, he twists through the air, away from the creature.

He spread his dragon-like wings and dashed to the person, knowing she's a girl when he went closer.

Cayzen flew high and far enough from the creature.

He glared at the girl with a range of anger and annoyance.

This is the third time of meeting this girl, and she still making those tomato faces.

They stared for few minutes until they realize they were focusing on each other.

"You're interrupting in the middle of a fight," he said with a flat tone.

"Didn't know you're in the middle of slaying wyvern." she snapped.


Carrying her, he slowly went her down on one of the tree branches on the field.

"Wait, why don't you just put me down on the grass instead up here?" she screeched.

"Don't know how to get down?" he tilted his head a little, with a half confusion.

"Put me down," she grunted.

Before he let a word out of his mouth, the wyvern roar in anger but weak due to its broken throat. Its eyes met on the two of them, ready for an ambush.

"Gotta go." those are the last words he said and then he runs, leaving the girl stuck on the tree branch.


As she exited the garden, Ryth marched her feet all the way to the east wing.

It's the easiest way to get quickly to the cafe. She's tired of the long walk, she might encounter those devilish laughs because they're always jerking at the west, flirting with some nasty dudes.

She was about to take through the dark corridor when she saw an old leather bag lying in the corner.

Lizzy's bag.

She picked up the bag seeing it open, took a peek inside.

There, she saw a few reagents bottles, a notebook, a pen, and a knife with dried blood.

She closed her eyes for a second, thinking how the hell did those sluts get the bravery to put their evidence inside the victim's bag.

She sighed and took the bag. She must take this to Lizzy.

She curved and walk straight to the field when she heard a roar enough to shake the floor a little.

There, she saw a wyvern screaming in pain as its throat slash like sushi.

She saw a boy...

A boy...

Her eyes narrowed as she saw the boy.

That boy.

He's fighting with the creature. Maybe she could sneak and walk across the field, it's the easiest way to go back to the west wing cause she needs to bring Lizzy's bag.

She crosses through the field without a second thought, hoping the boy distracts enough the wyvern for her to cross the field.

But it went wrong.

She and the creature's eyes met. She can see the agony flaming inside the circle of its eyes.

Ryth gulped. Expecting for the second time her death.

Or she'll use her powers instead.

She gasped when someone grab her and flew her up enough away from the creature's sight.

She was carried like a bride, she turns her head and his deep blue eyes drown her to the depths of the ocean.

Her world froze, her violet eyes focused on this boy's handsome face.

A few moments later, they both realize that they stared at each other for too long.

Ruth's face began to turn like a tomato again.

ばか! (baka! - idiot!)

"You're interrupting in the middle of a fight," he said with a flat tone.

Her mind responded quickly that she didn't even realize she spoke.

"Didn't know you're in the middle of slaying wyvern."

She heard the low 'tch' from him.

He slowly put her down on top of the tree when he realized the same.

She blinked thinking she was put up in the branch.

"Wait, why don't you just put me down on the grass instead up here?" she screeched.

She was panicking inside, thinking about how she will go down in this tree with her lack of height.

"Don't know how to get down?" he tilted his head a little, with a half confusion. Ryth gritted her teeth.

"Put me down," she grunted, trying not to scream.

But before he responded, the wyvern roar but weak.

"Gotta go." she heard the boy running away, leaving her on the top of the tree. Ryth blinked.

"YOU JERK!!!" she barked up in the tree branch.

She clenched her fist in anger as the boy left her at a damn tree, with no idea how the hell would she get down.

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