Hang Out With friends

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still very confused but opening my arms up for a hug.

"I texted you." He said. "Besides I figured if neither of you were here you'd be around eventually. How's it going?"

I slowly caught up, realizing the text he sent me earlier was so he could get in the house if it was locked.

"Good man, you?" I said.

Skylar shoved a cup of coffee in my hand, knowing that was where I was headed before I noticed Levi. I took a drink, not even bothered by the fact that it was cold and more than a little stale.

"...to be home." Levi said when I rejoined listening to the conversation. "I was just telling these guys about my trip."

"Oh yeah, how was it?" I asked, we both sat down. I wedged myself down next to Skylar, Levi retook his seat in the chair. As soon as my butt hit the couch, Whitney stretched her legs out across not only Skylar's lap but mine. I wish I could say it wasn't normal but it was and without thinking I held my cup of coffee out of the way.

"Great. I stayed with my Uncle Craig in Florida for a few days and then I drove to Oklahoma State to see Mitch, he's finishing up his masters there. I stayed there for four days and then I drove down to Texas and stayed with my cousin Laney and her husband. On my way back up to Michigan I swung  through Chicago to see Maci." He glazed over her name so fast. It didn't matter how many times I told him it was fine, he still hardly mentioned her name. He clearly saw through my 'it's fine' bull. "But the best part was just the random people I met on the road. I picked up this guy hitch hiking, I know right? But his name was Duke Duke, I kid you not."

Levi had a huge grin across his face as he flipped through his phone for a picture.

"Dude you could have gotten murdered picking up a hitchhiker." Skylar pointed out.

"I know but I took my chances. Besides he was the coolest guy ever." Levi said.

He handed his phone to me. It was a picture of him and a guy who looked like a cross between a dirty hippie and an old cowboy. I passed the phone to Skylar.

"What made him so cool?" I asked, taking a gulp of my coffee.

"He was a Vietnam vet. After he got home from Veitnan he married a woman on a bet one night. They were married for 30 some years before she passed away..."

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. It was a text from Jake asking if he could leave.

"Sorry Levi, is Jake here?" I asked Skylar, interrupting Levi.

Skylar nodded his head. "I told him he couldn't leave until he talked to you."

He dismissed it, like it was the obvious answer. I was more than thankful that he didn't let Jake leave. I wasn't sure I could handle another day of nursing Jake out of a drunken stupor borderline alcohol poisoning. I didn't know much about Courtney, and as glad as I was that I didn't have to take either of them to the hospital, I also didn't want her around. I couldn't figure out which one was the bad influence. But at least if it was just Jake here, I only had to worry about him.

"He's been in his room the whole time." Whitney added.

"Good he can stay there." I muttered.

I didn't bother sending him a text, if he wanted an answer that bad he could come find me.

"Having troubles with him still?" Levi asked.

I let out a sigh, running my hand over my hair.

"Yeah. Same crap." I said.

Skylar shifted next to me. If Whitney wasn't still sprawled across us, he would have been out of the room already.

"He'll grow up eventually, everyone does." Levi said.

I wanted to say not everyone. Matt didn't get to grow up. And at the rate Jake was going he probably wouldn't get to either.

"Oh Levi, guess what." Whitney chimed.

She must of felt Skylar's distress also.


"Our big brave doctor Jared has a date!" She smiled ear to ear, clearly thrilled I was attempting it.

"Oh yeah?" Levi looked at me to confirm.

"Yeah, it's just dinner. Nothing crazy." I said, trying to get my thundering heart to agree.

So far every time I thought about the date I immediately started sweating like I had just gotten done with a marathon. I still wasn't sure if I was even going to live long enough to try and take Anna out. I was a panicky, irrational, sweaty mess at the thought of it.

"Well who's the lucky lady?" Levi asked.

"A tall, skinny, sexy brunette doctor he works with." Skylar supplied.

"It's true she's a tall drink of water. She makes a straight girl want to turn." Whitney agreed.

I shook my head. All I needed was Colleen to be here and the three of them could just run their mouths about how attractive Anna was. Not that I didn't agree but at least I had the decency to keep it to myself.

"Damn Jared! It's about time." Levi said, slapping me on the knee. "Let's celebrate, I put a 24 pack in the fridge."

He shoved himself off the chair he was seated in and headed for the kitchen. He made himself at home, riffling through the drawers before he found a couple beer koozies. He stuffed them full of cans and stacked them one on top of each other, using his chin to hold them steady.

"No need to offer help guys. I'm just your guest and all." He teased as he slowly made his way back.

Skylar and I both laughed.

"You stopped being a guest a very long time ago, more like an annoyance maybe." Skylar said.

"An annoyance for sure." I agreed.

"It's true I really only think they keep you around because you're so good looking." Whitney added.

Levi laughed, handing a beer off. "Oh shut up and take your beers you dicks."


Guys, I had to google the word 'koozie'. How many times in your life do you actually have to spell it? I can tell you, one time.

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