Hang Out With friends

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"Damn you look rough."

"Long night, don't ask." I grumbled as I kicked my Nike's off by the door.

I surveyed my living room. Skylar clearly had the day off. He had a pair sweatpants on, his feet propped up on the coffee table. There was food strewn about around him and his hair looked like it hadn't been washed in days.

"Do you still have a job?" I asked.

Skylar smirked. "Yes dad."

"Why don't you get your own place then." I suggested.

I had just finished another 80 hour week and was looking forward to a day off, that was after I passed out in my bed for a few hours.

"Hey grumpy, go to bed." Skylar suggested over his shoulder. I grunted and headed for my bedroom. "Whitney's coming over. We will try to keep it down."

"Jesus, why not just ask her to move in. I swear you two are here more than I am." I muttered.

"Bed now." Skylar demanded.

I waved a dismissive hand but did as he told. My feet ached, my eyes were burning and my brain was completely fatigued. I loved my job but it was enough to put me in the hospital. Ironically enough. I closed my door, stripping out of my sweats and tshirt. I pulled my blinds shut and threw myself in bed.


I woke up to laughter. So much for keeping it down. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to clear the sleep fog from them. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, clicking the screen on. I had 5 missed calls and 3 texts.  I opened my phone, 4 of those missed calls were Jake and one was from Levi. I went to my texts next. I opened Jake's first.

Jake: I'm going to Courtney's.

I groaned. I had been trying to keep Jake at the house unless he was working. I figured if he was here he at least didn't have the easiest access to alcohol. After the crap with him and Courtney I went out and bought some fancy cabinet that had a keypad you had to use to get into it. At least now he didn't have a well stocked liquor cabinet at his disposal.

I went to the next text, it was from Levi.

Levi: you still keep the key in the same spot?

I did.

I went to the last text.

Anna: Colleen and Deedee keep giving me pointers on how to win you over.

I shook my head, texting back a quick 'I'm sorry they're annoying'. I didn't even have to be there and they were both embarrassing me. Once they found out I had asked Anna out and she had accepted they had been more annoying than usual. Apparently they had no faith in my dating abilities.

I rolled out of bed, heading toward the sound of the noise. I could only lay in bed for so long before I got restless. I walked out into the living room, running my hand through my hair.

"Feel better?" Skylar asked.

I shrugged, I felt a little better sure. "Yeah."

It took me a second to realize it wasn't just Skylar and Whitney sitting in the living room.  Levi was kicked back in a chair, a beer in hand, and a huge smile on his face as he waited for me to snap out of my catatonic state. I just stared at him though, my brain trying to piece together what I saw.

"You gonna say hi or what?" Levi finally said.

I watched as he shoved himself out of his chair and crossed the room.

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