He sniffled and mumbled, "No, because then I can't see mama until morning."

I sighed and said, "It's not good to be selfish y'know." I rubbed his head and hugged him. "Mama's not going anywhere sweetie. I'll always be here for you."

He nodded and hugged me back, saying, "Yes mama!"

I put my hand up and he jumped to give me a high-five. "Good boy! Now, let's go see if papa's home~"

"Papa!" He voiced out in glee. I smiled at him as I took his hand. As we walked together, I hoped that Derek was either sound asleep, sober, or not even home. "It's been years since I've been with my boyfriend Derek. Nothing's moved forward or regressed, which I shouldn't be thankful for. And yet, I can't help but be.." I thought. Soon, we came up to his house. I looked at Ichinose's smiling face. "Despite having a drinking problem and not being Ichinose's real father, he treats him as his own son. He treats me nicely, and we're happy. That's all that matters." Just as my hand reached out to touch the doorbell, the door swung open and a women walked out. At that moment, I felt like time stopped. The reason why is because this woman wore a blue wig and was wearing an exact replica of a dress I owned.


Now now now...Ichinose's young age is up to the imagination. He's old enough to speak and whatnot. I've sometimes put age in a character and then there's this one person who does the math in accordance of when they met the other characters and try to say the age is too old or young e_e. BUT CHU KNOWS WHAT...The care was much appreciated lol.

Ichinose's P.O.V

"Mama?" I called out in question as I saw a lady walk out of papa's home.

As if noticing me call her, she smiled and walked in. I looked around and saw the home trashed. After looking around, I let go of my mama's hand as I saw papa. I ran to him with a big smile and called out, "Papa!" At that moment, I knew something was wrong. He glared at me. He didn't open his arms out to hug me or even call my name. I stopped midway and asked, "Papa?"

I heard mama's footsteps and she pulled me behind her. She sweetly asked, "Derek, who was the young lady that walked out of here?"

He shrugged his shoulders and bent down to take a sip of his whiskey. After drinking a good amount, he threw the bottle. The bottle whizzed past the left side of mama's face and hit the wall behind her. I felt her twitch at that. "Derek, are you alright?"

I heard papa stand up from his chair. "The woman who was here was a prostitute I paid. She didn't fit the bill to look exactly like you, but her job was slightly done. Now, you should finish the rest of it. You have experience don't you?" He said.

"Now Derek...you know that that's a dark past of mine I shared with you.. You know how I feel about this and I thought you would understand-"

"Understand?! Lillian, are you an idiot? What kind of man wouldn't want to have sex with you? Screw your past! Do you know how hard it is to hold back?! In the years we've been together, I've only kissed you..on the cheek! Today, we're changing that," he cut her off, grabbing her arm forcefully and throwing her on the couch.

I saw fear in mama's eyes and she started to plead with papa to stop. "Papa, NOO! Don't hurt mama, not mama!" I yelled out, running over. Seeing me, he kicked me away and I keeled over on the ground. I heard the ripping of clothes and watched in horror as mama's favorite blue dress was torn. Papa was on top of mama, tearing off her undergarments. She fought papa hard, until he raised his hand and slapped her. Neither of us expected the slap to happen. It was so unexpected of the kind papa I knew to raise his hand at mama.

"Papa..." I called out, tears filling my eyes. "Stop hurting mama! Stop it!" I got back up on my feet and charged towards them. Papa tsked and grabbed my neck, lifting me in the air. I wrapped my arms around his hands, trying to loosen his hold.

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