6 || Escape

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Angels POV

"Leeann when did you get here?" We stood up, and unwrapped our hug.

"Don't worry about that, where did you get these scars ?" She ran her hands over the red marks on my arm.

"I don't know.." I pulled my sleeve down and ignored the stinging pain.

"Don't lie to me Angel.. Did Harry do this?" Her face resembled my moms' when I broke my leg last year; worried.

"I can't tell you.. He may be listening."

My eyes scanned the room for cameras, though I didn't see any my nerves were still on edge.

I can still fill the belt landing on my flesh, and I can still hear him yelling at me.


My fingers dialed my moms number quickly and I waited for her to pick up.

"Hey what are you doing? Give me that" Harry snatched the phone out of my hands and ended the call.

"What the hell is wrong with you ? I told you just to lay there and shut up you can't even do that can you?" He yelled, giving me a look before getting out of the car.

"Get out. Now" I sat up, pulling back the handle to get out of the car.

"Your going to learn to do what I say if I have to beat it into you. " he yelled before it started.

After he let go of me I fell to the ground, my body was sore and every-time I moved I could feel the wounds getting bigger..

End of Flasback.

"Fine, since you won't tell me, I'll just talk to him myself." Leeann moved towards the door and pounded on it.

"Harry! You little bit-" She started, but the door slammed open.

"What did you say?" Harry stood there with a scowl patched to his face, glaring at Leeann.

"What did you do to my best friend ?" She uncrossed her arms and pointed at mine. His smirk returned to his face and he shifted feet.

"Oh, that? She did that to herself." He smiled, slamming the door in her face.

Leeann turned around, looking confused.

"What did he mean by that?" Her eyebrow raised and she removed her hand from her hip.

I shook my head, biting my lip.

"Nevermind.. What we really need to focus on is how we're going to get out of this hell hole" Leeann sighed, placing her hands back on her hips.

My eyes locked with the door and I got a idea.

"Come here" I whispered to Leeann.

"What is it angel ?" She said, moving closer to me.

"I'm going to pretend I'm on my period, and your going to follow my lead okay"

She nodded, smirking.

"Harry!" I yelled, banging on the door.

Ugh, I know he could hear me, he had to.

"Harry!" I banged harder, until the knob twisted and he came into view.

"Ugh what do you want?" Harry acted as if I interrupted something important.

"Umm, I .. I sorta .. I'm uhh..I started" I said, hoping he'd get it.

He sighed, slamming the door.

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