Chapter 18: Losing Heart

Start from the beginning

A griffon lands atop the ship, swallowing roman whole before flying off again. The two teens, flabbergasted, turn to each other.

[Ruby] "um, did you do that?"
[Sol] ", but, I kinda wish I did. He was getting a little preachy."
[Ruby] "True, true. So, why are you here? Did you finish up back at the colosseum?"
[Sol] "For now. I need to get to the school now thou-whoa."

The ship starts to shake and break apart from constant damage and bombardment from Atlas and Grimm alike.

[Sol] "I think this is your stop. Go be a hero!"
[Ruby] "yeah! You too!"

Sol nods as Ruby turns around, grabs crescent rose and leaps from the falling ship. Sol on the other hand, heads down to the controls and, after a while of fidgeting and figuring out the controls, manages to steer it on a course close to the school. As it reaches a close enough point, Sol takes a running jump from the ship and lands on school grounds while the ship plummets to the ground below.

[Sol] "now then, where was that Grimm pointing?"

Running through the school, killing Grimm and destroying rogue Atlesian tech as he goes, he spies a group of familiar faces fighting a paladin. The rabbit Faunus Velvet busily creates light copies of the other students weapons and uses them to fight off and destroy the paladins before she starts being overwhelmed. A moment later, an arm is brought forth through one of Weiss' glyphs and smashes another paladin. One Paladin remains and is about to strike Velvet, however a shot from Sol's weapon effectively puts a stop to that, blasting it to smithereens.

[Weiss] "Sol?"
[Sol] "Where's Yang!?"
[Weiss] "huh? She headed that way to find Blake."
[Sol] "thanks!"
[Velvet] "Wait!"
[Sol] "huh?"
[Velvet] "a picture. Of you and your weapon."
[Sol] "um, okay?"
[Velvet] "thanks!"

After impatiently waiting for Velvet to take a quick snap with her camera, Sol rushes off once more. This time, the next person he sees is Yang. Unfortunately, he's a few seconds too late. He can only watch helplessly as a man with red hair and a Grimm mask severs Yangs arm with his glowing sword.

Bringing back recent memories and a rage he didn't know he could summon, he charges at the man with the intent to kill.

[Sol] "You bastaaaaarrrdd!"

Sol's left handed swing is defended with little effort, though the ground has cracked beneath them. Sol violently swings at the man again and again until he notices the man start to glow red.

[Blake] "Stop! Adam!"

The red glow of the man Blake called Adam renders Sol completely unable to think rationally. Like a bull seeing red, he charges, his blade extending to become a great sword but in front of Adams weapon and semblance, it may as well have been a stick of butter. Sol's blade is cut in half and the white haired boy is barely able to dodge the blade in time to avoid the same fate as Yang or Dan.

[Adam] "Count yourself lucky that someone else has business with you."
[Sol] "what?"

Sol turns to face Adam, only to find that he is gone like a calm, ravenous wind, leaving no trace of him other than the pair of injured girls.

[Blake] "Sol.."

Sol rushes back to the two, one with a wound in her side and the other completely unconscious.

[Sol] "you guys need medical attention."
[Blake] "I-I'm fine... let's just help Yang."

Sol uses some of the fire dust in his broken weapon to cauterise the wound while Blake removes her own jacket and wraps it tightly around the wound.

[Sol] "that should do it. Let's get you guys out of here."
[Blake] "no."
[Sol] "huh?"

Blake begins to walk away from the pair.

[Blake] "I...This is where we part ways. This is all my fault. I'm sorry."
[Sol] "Blake, what are you talking about? Blake!?"

Blake leaves the building and heads away from the school, disappearing to who knows where.

[Sol] "dammit. Never mind. I need to get you out of here now."

Sol looks down at the sleeping blonde with loving worry before his attention shifts to the slow footsteps behind them. Turning his head, what he sees is a man and woman; both white skinned with red eyes and black sclera, white hair, the woman wears a black slit dress, her hair is tied back into a long ponytail and she has a red, vein-like tattoo that runs down her left arm. The man next to her is dressed in a large black coat, a black, button up shirt with white accents, long black pants and his hair is relatively short.

[Sol] "who are you people?"

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