Project Making

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I got home and take a bath then I pick my outfit⬇

When I'm done I say goodbye to mom and Annie then went to where taehyung point out his house when I got there its not a house but its actually a mansion⬇

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When I'm done I say goodbye to mom and Annie then went to where taehyung point out his house when I got there its not a house but its actually a mansion⬇

When I'm done I say goodbye to mom and Annie then went to where taehyung point out his house when I got there its not a house but its actually a mansion⬇

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Then I knock on his door then someone it

"U must be the visitor that the young master said," The lady said 'young master' I thought

"Um excuse me if may I ask u who is the young master?" I said entering the mansion

"I am," Someone said behind me then I turn around and find the freaking Kim Taehyung

"Any problem with that?" Taehyung said

"Um nothing," I said

"Ok," Taehyung said started walking to were there living room is then I follow him

"What drink do u want water, drinks?" Taehyung ask me

"Water is fine," I said

"Ok be right back," Taehyung said running off then I take my notebook out, start thinking and I write all the ideas that are on my mind then taehyung came back with 2 glasses of water

"Here," Taehyung said

"Thanks," I said

"Your welcome and what are u writing?" Taehyung ask

"Oh I wrote my own song its called Fools, so maybe u want to check it?" I ask giving to him my notebook then I wait for a second

"Ok," Taehyung said

"I don't like it," Taehyung said kinda make me sad but my sad turn to happy

"But I love it" Taehyung continue while giving me my notebook

"Thanks," I said getting my notebook

"Ok let's start now shall we," Taehyung said

"Let's go," I said

Lyrics & Play music (Jungkook is you and Rap monster is taehyung)

Me: I am tired of this place, I hope people change
I need time to replace what I give away

Unexpected Love (Kim Taehyung BTS)Where stories live. Discover now