Shiro x Dominate Galra Male Reader

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(Shiro Pov)
I was walking around the ship ,when Coran came running towards me. "Shiro gather everyone in the main room." I nodded and gathered everyone. "There a distress alert coming from a near by planet, but it isn't picking up more than one ship." Everyone just looked at each other and shrugged.
"Must be a broken down ship ,but we need to stay on our toes or we will be robbed." Lance said looking down. Everyone looked at him with a 'you mean you?' face. When they got to the planets atmosphere they saw the ship. It was a Galra space ship. They all looked at each other "I say we go check it out." Shiro said with a hint curiosity.
"Seriously we are helping an enemy?!" Keith yelled.
"We help everyone in need plus they are alone." Shiro defended " just in case all of you go and I'll ride with Keith." Keith stared at you before looking down. Everyone ran off to there lion ,and Keith and shiro go to the black lion. "It's been a while." Shiro looked around at the controls. Keith grabbed the controls and started going fast, Knocking shiro backwards. "Keith?!" Keith didn't say anything but a lousy.
"Sorry.." Keith was the leader now ,but Shiro keep taking control of everything not letting him make decision. They were soon on the planet everyone piled out of there lions weapons ready for attack. Shiro slowly made his way over to the space craft. To find it empty "it's empty!" He wasn't sure how to fee soon noticing a few drops of blood on the ground then a little further up more. "Alright Pidge and hunk start trying to fix the ship, Keith and lance guard the lions ,and if you see anyone ask if they saw what happened."
"What about you?" Pidge asked with curiosity in her voice.
"I'm going to go find the person who was in the space craft." Before anyone could say anything else, he started fast walking away, following the blood trail. It soon lead to a cave it was dark ,but there was no turning back. He scanned the cave only noise is the water dripping. About five minutes in walking he saw an outline of a body lying on the ground hardly breathing. Damage was stab wounds and scraps and scratches from the crash landing. The man was taller than Shiro maybe a half of a foot taller. 'He's handsome... wait what am I thinking?' Picking up the taller man and healed him out the cave ,to where he last saw everyone. "He need medical attention quick ,and maybe we could get some information out of him...?" It was more of an order than a question the mother ship landed and we brought him to the pods. "He should be healed up in no time!" Coran the mustache man said.
"Good." With that Coran left the room Shiro just sat there staring. He sat on the ground just waiting for when he'll wake up or be finished healing. Something about him intrigued Shiro and he wasn't sure what. Out of boredom Shiro fell asleep just to startled awaking of Coran walking in.
"He should be done healing by now." He said inspecting the pod and your eyes open. "He awake!" Shiro got up
"let him out ,and I'll bring him to a room." Shiro said
"Alright keep your guard up though." Coran looked away "I can't believe I'm doing this.." he lets you out of the pod. You fall forward instead of hitting the ground Shiro catches you. He puts his arm around you for support. You guy went inside the room right when the door closes you took your chance flipping the Male in black on his back. You started huffing not having full stamina back. With that you collapsed on the to the ground "I wouldn't pull a stunt like that again you might be able get out of this room ,but good luck trying to get out of this ship." Shiro stood up supporting you onto the bed. You knew you were defeated if you were going to probably die ,because you weren't going to say anything. You were tired but adrenaline kept you awake. You pulled the man into a kiss than pulled him onto the bed straddling him. "W-wait what are?!" You just kissed him again.
"My name is (y/n) by the way." Pulling apart
"Shiro.." he spoke in a low voice you just smiled ,and started kissing him again this time he was kissing back.
(This is where stuff where stuff starts getting out of this world "smut warning")
Stripping your shirt off than Shiros, your eyes widen to see how many scars he had. You've heard of Shiro before. He the one who escaped the ship. You kissed his neck ,and searched for his sweet spot once finding it Shiro let out a moan. Before they could continue there was a knock on the door. You smirked and whispered in his ear  "We can finish this when.. you know." You whispered in his ear. There was a knock again
"Shiro you okay?!" The voice on the other side of the door sounded panicked.
"Y-yeah! Sorry I was in thought hold on!" You and Shiro put back on y'all shirt you just sat on the bed with a smirk on your face.

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