Chapter 1: Forced To Leave

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Anslee's POV
          It was just another normal day at my house. School for 7 hours, then coming home to do 4 more hours of homework. It never ends. My parents argue every night about random things. I just wish they would stop taking it out on me. Don't they see how depressed I am? I'm so tired of them asking me constantly, "Why do you stay locked away all day, always on your iPad?" They don't know anything about my FanPage, and I don't know how they'd react. Brooklyn and Bailey get me through every single thing. When I'm depressed, crying myself to sleep, I just watch their videos. I've met some pretty amazing friends on my FanPage. I dream of meeting Brooklyn and Bailey and my friends every night. I pray to God every night asking for Him to relieve my anxiety and depression, and I feel nothing works. When something starts to work out, another thing falls apart. I feel a heavy weight on my shoulder everyday. I just want to be relieved. I've always been very religious, and my whole life has been focused on God's plan for me. I'm not a popular girl at school. I bring my Bible, and I pray every morning in class, I don't cuss, and I only hangout with my church friends. I get bullied for all of that, which makes my depression worse. I know God has a great plan for me, but sometimes it's just so hard to grasp that.
          The other night my parents called my siblings and I in for a meeting. They told us we had 1 week to leave the house and find somewhere else to live. To be honest, I wasn't so scared about that. I immediately messaged my friends on my FanPage.

(B&B Forever GC)

Me- My parents just told me I had 1 week to find somewhere else to live. What should I do? Pls help me!

Braileyer4ever- Let's start a group chat and see if we can get any of the McKnights to answer! Maybe they can adopt you!

Me- YAYAY OKAY!!♥️♥️

I was so happy! If they answer my group chat, I might have my last name changed to McKnight! I immediately went to bed because it was 11:30 and I had school the next day. That night I prayed such a heartfelt prayer to God. I said, "God if this is Your plan for me,  just give me strength to accept and trust it. I always know that Your plans are the best, and I'm so thankful for that promise. Give me the hope and security throughout the day. I know no matter what happens, I'm Your daughter. I pray that all my depression, anxiety, doubts, worries, and fears will all be eased during this. I pray that my siblings will be okay. I pray for my parents, and my new future parents. Give them strength. Help me to just be a happier person. I love You so much, in Jesus name, Amen." I felt a gentle tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't tell if it was a tear of joy or fear. I wiped it away with my comforter. I knew that tomorrow will be stressful, but I always have God to hold on to. Hopefully my big dream would come true, that I could meet the McKnights. Not just dreaming it every night when I slept, but living in the reality of it. I hope the group chat is answered tomorrow. We'll just have to see! I immediately fell asleep.

A/n- I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. I'm so excited. This is my first ever story. Comment on what you think will happen. Please vote and follow me! Love you all! ❤️'s-A

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