Start from the beginning

“They just keep on coming”,  Kai said as he took down a dozen of bots with his arrows.

Lanza cursed as they hit a speed breaker.  The bridge was almost in sight now. He hoped Eliza had kept her word..
No matter how strong Kai was,  he could only hold back against that swarm for so long.

In the rear-view mirror, Lanza watched Kai weave his magic. And the cops as well. There was nothing magical about the blinking red and blue lights though.

Lanza breathed a sigh of relief as the wheels touched the bridge.

“ Hey,  Kai! ",  Lanza shouted, hoping they had enough time to make it.

“ Our friends are keeping me quite busy back here! “,  Kai shouted back.

“ Hold on.”,  Lanza smirked.

Lanza turned a sharp left, leaving skid marks that would have made a racer proud and charged towards the metal guards of the bridge.

Kai let out a barrage of cuss words as they braced for impact. Just before the collision, they jumped,  using the leather seats a springboard.

Hurtling down towards the gurgling Mississippi, Lanza wondered if he was too young to die. He was really looking forward to tasting that sushi. Kai ‘s body looked like a black haze,  his jacket fluttering at his back.

Suddenly, a warm barrel of wind slammed into his body, cushioning his lethal fall. The difference in temperature bordered on intolerable, making him want to blackout. But he had too much adrenaline in his system for that.

Lanza's feet slammed into something hard. Pain shot up his legs, but nothing like it should have been.

He was standing on thin air, the Mississippi flowing by thirty feet below. Well, not really. Lanza had trained his eyes enough to recognize the retro reflector panels beneath his feet.

“Hello, captain. That was one awesome jump. ”,  Eliza walked towards him, her black eye patch meting with the darkness. She was in her uniform as usual. Her metal badge gleaming against the faint light.

Maybe it was because he was tired,  maybe it was because his head was fuzzed up,  Lanza pulled her childhood friend into a hug.

He felt her body stiffen at first, but she relaxed under her touch slowly. He would admit he teared up a bit.  Lanza hadn’t allowed himself to be scared all the while. But now that things were over, his feet wouldn’t stop shaking.

“ Hey, you did great. “, she spoke soothingly, whispering into his ears.

Lanza’s mind started closing in on random details. The fact that she smelled of olives, Or that she had a tiny freckle on the tip of her nose.

They pulled apart, leaving Lanza a bit shaky on her knees. He blamed it on the steam vents beside them.

“Where's Kai? “, he asked her.

“ He should be over that steam vent. Elsa is there to watch over. “,  Eliza wouldn’t  meet his eyes.

Right on cue,  Kai and Elsa emerged out of the fuzzy steam.

“ I thought this was a stealth mission.”, Kai raised an eyebrow.

“It would have been if someone hadn’t gone waving his Fishex around.”

“ A what? “, Elsa asked, curiosity masking her poker face.

“ A Fishex.”,  Lanza clarified,  “Long story, don’t ask.”

Lanza was about enter the cockpit when he heard a familiar buzz.

“ Oh,  crud. Not again. “,  Kai sighed.

“ Honestly, you would think they would leave us alone by now. “, Lanza groaned.

“What are those? “,  Elisa squinted at the approaching bots.

“ Microbots. Killer machines. Can shred you to pieces. Also, uh, they are after us.”

“ What did you two do down there? ",this time it was Elsa who sounded surprised.

“ Let’s see. We bought a Fishex,  broke down a maintenance door, stole a bike, ate pizza.... “,  Kai counted on his fingers.

“ My head’s spinning.”, Eliza sighed.

“ We can hear the story later.”,  Elsa's shield appeared in her hands,  “For now, we have to fight. Stay  back, boys.”

Lanza would have protested, but he was too tired.  Kai didn’t seem too happy about the decision. But thankfully, he didn’t argue either.

The first wave of bots were fried by Elisa. The Sceptre of Apocalypse hummed in her hands, firing black bursts of energy. One hit was all it took.

However, it was Elsa who provided her cover, her shield keeping the Bots at bay. Lasers bounced harmlessly off it and the shredder were to small to penetrate through.

“ Why won’t they stop? “,  Elisa panted.

“ I think they have the power to replicate.”, Kai answered,  “You need to take them down all at once.”

Elisa muttered under her breath as she spun the Sceptre in her hands. With her white uniform fluttering against the wind,  she really managed to pull off that warrior princess look.

“ Elsa, keep your shield still. I have got a plan. “,  she ordered.
Lanza watched as she powered up her Sceptre, runes on its metal surface glowing in the dark. Elisa let loose a blinding flash of energy, causing it to ricochet off the surface. The black bolts forked around in all directions, destroying bot after bot. Scary, but beautiful in a mesmerizing fashion. Harry Potter movies almost paled in comparison. Almost.

“ Speak up, Lanza. What did you do?”,  Elisa demanded.

Just in time though, his stomach growled.

“ Dinner first? “, he pleaded.

“And a shower while you are at it. You smell like Manhattan sewage.”, Elisa scrunched up her nose.

That earned a chuckle from Kai, who had already got rid of his leather jacket. Such a waste.

“ Well, this has been a long night. “, Lanza yawned as he opened the trapdoor to Valhalla's interior.

“You don’t say. ",  Kai followed right behind.

It wasn’t  like Lanza needed any help on field jobs. But maybe, just maybe, he and Kai made a good team. With the promise of a healthy dinner and a sound sleep up ahead, not even Sakyo could ruin his mood.

A/N: Hey guys! Your clumsy author here.
OK, firstly, no shoes at me please. I had some exams going on and I know this chapter is really short.
But Heisenberg and Newton just don't understand Wattpad. 😢😢
The good news is that our school is closed for the fall and I can sleep all day long! Er, sorry. I mean write, of course.

Anyway, special thanks to uchihaunlimited9. Your comments really made my day! Keep your clan alive and kicking! 😉❤😉

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