"Lucas!!" Nikki exclaimed, "Stay OUT OF THIS Nikki" He yelled, He hit me, he hit me I cant believe he hit me, I know he was mad but I never thought that he'd hit me or lay a hand on a girl after what happened to his sister, I sat there stunned and terrified. "GO TO YOUR ROOM" his voice boomed, tears rolled down my face, he grabbed my wrist hard and yanked me up and pulled me upstairs and pushed me into the room I've been staying in, I fell on my knees onto the floor.

"And STAY IN THERE UNTIL I TELL YOU DIFFERENT" He yelled and slammed the door shut, I brought my knees to my chest, buried my head in my knees and I rocked my self back and forth while sobbing, once I had stopped crying I got up wiped the wetness off my face, I went and got my bag put my stuff in it including the picture frame with the picture of me and Angel in it, I grabbed my phone, wrote a note and put it on the night stand beside the bed, and I went to the window opened it and jumped out, and I took off running I ran all the way to barn.

When I got to the barn, I hid my bag in a bush, and headed up to Angel, once I got there I saw Trevor lunging her, I smiled at the sight.

"Hey" I said, he turned towards me and waved, he stopped Angel and unclipped her, she came trotting towards me.

"Hey Girl" I said she nuzzled me, I rubbed her forehead smiling, I love her so much it was torture being forced to stay away from her for two days, "Have you been a good girl for Trevor?" I asked, she bobbed her head up and down snorting, I laughed.

"Hey are you feeling better?" Trevor asked coming up, I smiled. "Yeah" I said nodding my head, "That's good, so... Wait is that a bruise?" He asked worry laced his voice, he ran his thumb over it, I flinched. "Y-yeah" I said nervously. "What happened?" He asked, think think think I told my self in my head, "Oh...um I walked into a door by accident" I said nervously, I'm not very good at lying to him, other people yeah I can but with Trevor its extremely hard to do. he didn't look like he believed me but he didn't push it any farther, so he nodded.

"So are you riding?" He asked, I nodded, "Yup" I said popping the 'p' he nodded, I went in the ring groomed and tacked Angel up, then I led her to the middle of the ring, I tightened the girth and let down my stirrups.

"You ready girl?" I whispered in her ear, she bobbed her head up and down saying 'yes', I smiled, I put my foot in the stirrup and swung up on her, once settled I gathered my reins and squeezed her forward, we walked trotted, did circles and figure 8',

I leaned forward patting and rubbing her neck. "Okay girl are you ready to canter?" I asked she snorted, "Okay lets do it then girl" I said I sat back up in my saddle, I squeezed her for the canter she went into a nice strided, lengthened canter, that is until a dog came out of no where and started chasing Angel, barking and nipping at her heels, Angel freaked out, she bucked reared up and kicked her back legs up, then she took off running bolted, I tried to pull her up but it wasn't working, she was running straight for the fence, oh no oh no she is either going to jump it of run straight into it,

I sat back and pulled on the reins. "Whoa girl" I said nothing she kept on running I bit my lip my stomach going in knots, we are 2 strides away and 1 and jump, she tucked her front legs under her and soured over it, I leaned forward into 2 point and gave her as much rein as possible so she could stretch her neck over it, we soured over it and landed smoothly on the other side, and she kept running, I finally stopped her I got off and calmed her down checked her legs and patted her to let her know she's okay.

Trevor came running to me, looking worried, concerned, panicked and relieved.

"Josie are you okay?" He asked once he got to me, I nodded smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine but Trevor did you see her she jumped that like it was nothing and that's a 4 foot fence" I exclaimed excitedly, He nodded smiling. "Yeah, I saw it was totally awesome" He said smiling, we started to walk I had Angels reins and she followed behind me.

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