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I tracked the pine scent. I ran over rocks and under branches with ease, even though the moonlight was blocked by the dense canopy. My night-vision wasn’t the best, but my nose told me where to go. When we got to the river, though, I couldn’t smell any pine. I had lost the trail.

    “Damn it! I had it! Stupid fricken’ river!” I growl-shouted. The other three came up to stand beside me. Quincey looked ashamed, but he still scanned the other bank for tracks. Jon’s ears were perked, but he shook his head when I looked at him. Ben growled, then turned into the forest. I knew it when he turned into a wolf because I caught the scent of pine on his fur. A rustle of leaves, and then he was gone too.

    Quince hung his head, then turned to go. I said,”It’s alright Quincey. Just next time, whisper. We all have super ears now, so you don’t have to shout. We’ll get you two used to your powers.” Quincey didn’t answer, but kept walking into the woods. Jon shook his head, his blonde curls bouncing a little. He started to walk off also, but turned back to me at the treeline.

    He said,”You’re finally accepting Ben now, aren’t you?” I snarled,”No. I still don’t trust him. You heard him. He attacked me.” Jonathan smiled a little, then said in a calm voice like water,”But you said ‘we would get you two used to your powers’. You didn’t say I. Face it, Lex. He’s part of our group now.” With that, Jonathan turned into the oaks, and disappeared into the shadows.

    I sat on the banks of the river, pondering this. I knew that I was still bleeding, but I felt no pain. My nose was still smelling two traces of scent. Both were pine, but different. One was Ben’s, with an undertone of sweat. Male. The other had traces of maple and violet. Female. I stood up, still pondering this, and turned to go back home.

    I couldn’t tell what was wrong with Whitney. As soon as I came in through the back door, holding my side (which had opened up sometime ago), her eyes immediately went to the red splotches appearing above and below my hand. But she didn’t freak or scream. She just told me,”Sit on the couch. Don’t move,” in a voice as strong as steel. I’ve never heard her sound like that. It scared me more that normal Whitney did. I did as I was told.

    A few minutes later, Whitney came in from the kitchen, carrying a red towel and string. “Uncover,” she said, still in the steel voice. I lifted my t-shirt, now stained in places with dark red, off my wound. I yelped, then Whitney’s hand was across my mouth. “Don’t make a sound, Alexis. Kit wouldn’t like to be woken up. Now, this will hurt, but please don’t bite.”

    The stench of alcohol flared along with my pain. I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming out. I only realized that I had bit clean through when I tasted blood in my mouth. With the string and a needle, the blonde-headed woman stitched my wound shut, avoiding my eyes.

    She sat back on her heels, and looked over her work. Then, I realized what Whitney was wearing. Tennis shoes, old jeans, and a rumpled t-shirt. Her usually straight blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail with a simple rubber band. She looked ready to take a hike in the woods.

    I asked her,”What’s with the get-up? You look ready to fight a wolf.” I almost smiled at the irony. Whitney’s eyes were blazing balls of blue fire when she finally met mine. “Don’t give me that, Alexis. I was ready to go fight a wolf. To protect you. I just had to find you first. But, you went in all different directions; I lost track. Then, I found blood in a clearing, along with white and black fur. Who’s the black wolf?”

    I was really trying to follow along with what she said, I was. But all I understood was the last part. “I got attacked by a wild wolf. It was a hard fight.” Whitney’s eyes flashed, and she snarled,”Don’t lie to me! Tell the truth, Alexis!” Her ferocity shocked me into saying,”Ben. Ben attacked me to see how strong I was.” Whitney’s eyes flashed again, but with pain rather than anger this time.

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