"You know, it's a little messed up how you still believe that I'm infected when I've said no and it's been three days and I'm still this sane."

Raphael looked away, trying to find a decent argument.

All he got was, "You might be faking it."

"Seriously," Min groaned. "Like any infected could fake it. Get real man!"

"Listen. I'm still the one with the gun and food." Just to make sure the man got it, he took the rifle off of his shoulder. "Good. Now if you try anything, I'm gonna—"

"Shoot me, yeah, I know," Min whispered, looking down at the gun.

"What did you say?"

The man paled and shook his head. Raphael gave him a murderous look but finally fished out the same pocketknife Min had thrown at his feet at the first day. He tried not to twist his facial muscles into a mirth-like expression when he saw how the full lips parted, clearly shocked Raphael was just carrying it around.

Of course he was. Who knew when an opportunity like this showed up?

He snapped the tight robes in two. "Now be a good boy, will ya?"

He stayed down for a while, making sure Min began to eat and didn't try anything else. He did eat. Looking sour and childish and Raphael backed up. When he sat down to the couch, picking up his favourite book once again, he heard a quiet mutter of something like, "Still a fucking asshole" but ended up just shaking his head.

He tried to push the smile off.


After a quiet turn of a page and the rattling sound of a campfire Min-jun was shocked out of his thoughts,

"How's your little sister like?"

He tried to stutter out something between "what" and "why" when he realized he sounded just like the asshat. His eyes widened, trying to find signs of Raphael snapping at him, but only saw the man leisurely laying on the couch and reading. He seemed to read a lot. Actually that was all he seemed to do. Min-jun had spent three whole days in the camp and absolutely fucking nothing had happened if you excluded the couple of infected that decided it was a good idea to charge into the clearing with a crazy guy with a gun guarding it. To be honest it was god damn boring. All Min-jun had done was first look out for the guy if he just decided Min-jun was infected enough – when he fucking wasn't – and shoot him on the spot then try to talk about something because the silence was so deafening he swore he heard the leaves hit the moss in the forest and finally he'd given up on both of those when the guy turned out to be more in control of his hot temper than he'd thought.

He was bored out of his mind. Fucking freaked out! He didn't need the damn virus to turn him nuts when the lifestyle this Raphael guy seemed to lead alone was just enough.

And now he'd asked Min-jun a question like it wasn't a big deal. Min-jun let his body relax, cleared his throat since it seemed like he wasn't threatened with the gun to give a fast answer and said, "She's... she's positive. Nice. And only ten and alone." It wasn't a surprise Raphael didn't give a shit when Min-jun gave him a pointed look. "But she's strong..."

"Hopefully stronger than you. Or smarter. Otherwise she's dead pretty fast."

"You didn't have to say that." Black eyes left the book to give him a bored look. There was a carefree smile on his dark face that made Min-jun want to punch him in the face and he absolutely loathed violence. He tried to shake the feeling off but an asshole was an asshole and when Raphael just ignored him he thought he should do the same. Apparently asshole rules applied in this camp so be it.

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