Another Day

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Peridot looked around. Steven was still asleep, and the crystal cl-- gems were no where to be seen. Peridot got up and walked upstairs to Steven's bed. "Steven. Psst! Steven!" Peridot whispered. "Ughhh peridot its 5 in the morning..." Steven grumbled and started snuggling into a pillow. "Where is everyone?" Peridot asked, looking around. "The farm maybe?" Steven said, trying not to sound annoyed. Peridot mumbled goodbye to Steven as she went to the farm. She found pearl, garnet, and amethyst all working on something. "What's that?" Peridot asked, looking at the strange object. "It may be able to stop yellow diamond, but it's not finished yet." Garnet said calmly, as always. "Maybe you can help us, peridot. Do you mind handing me some tools?" Pearl said, not looking away from the object. "Sure!" Peridot grinned. "Okay, can you hand me the screwdriver?" Pearl asked, holding out her pale hand. Peridot looked through the toolbox and found a screwdriver. She quickly handed it to pearl. "Nice work, P-Dot!" Amethyst came up behind peridot and tackle hugged her. Peridot jumped in fear but noticing it was amethyst, she calmed down. "Hello, amethyst." Peridot said, trying to sound as calm as possible. Amethyst chuckled. "Hey wanna get a bite? I'm starvin'!" Amethyst said. "But gems don't eat food?" Peridot questioned. "Meh, it's still fun" amethyst said. "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." peridot said. they went have to the house, noticing Steven was already making a sandwich. "Hey Steven! What's up?" Amethyst waved at Steven. "Oh hey amethyst! Just making some lunch. Want some?" Steven asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Yeah! Do you have extras for Peri?" Amethyst asked. "Yeah I think so." Steven said, getting out a loaf of bread. Peridot watched Steven make two sandwiches. "Aaaaand done!" Steven said, handing a sandwich to amethyst, then peridot. "Thanks man!" Amethyst said "Wow, thanks!" Peridot quickly said after. Peridot and Amethyst sat down and ate the food. "So how is it?" Amethyst asked, turning her head to peridot. "Hm, it's actually not bad." Peridot said, finishing the sandwich. "I know right! Food is great." Amethyst grinned ad leaned back, wrapping her arm around peridot. "Yeah.." peridot said, looking anywhere but towards amethyst. She blushed a bit. What was this feeling?

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