Chapter One - The Promise Pt. 1

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Long ago the Four Nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar and the Defender, both masters of all four elements could stop them. But when the World needed them most, they vanished.

A hundred years have passed and my brother, Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar, an Airbender named Aang. Although his air bending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone. But with his sister's help, Iris, the Defender, they mastered all four elements together.

From the day I first met them, I believed that Aang and Iris would both save the World.

And you know what?

I was right.

With the help of their friends, Aang and Iris defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the Hundred Year War. Zuko, Ozai's son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord.

Together with Earth King Kuei, Aang, Iris and Zuko promised to restore the Four Nations to Harmony.

Earth King Kuei planned a celebration where he would announce the Harmony Restoration Movement. Before the festivities began, we decided to visit the Jasmine Dragon, a tea shop owned by Zuko's Uncle, Iroh.

There, Aang and I... we figured out what we meant to each other. Or we were about to, anyway, before my stupid brother interrupted...

"Hey guys –Ah!" Sokka tried to say as he walked towards them on the balcony. Only to see them kissing and that sudden sight made him leave a cry of alarm out.

"Nothing! We're not doing anything out here!" Aang said immediately as the two of them pulled from each other, and his cheeks turned bright red.

"Haven't you heard of knocking, Sokka?!" Katara exclaimed angrily pointing accursedly at her brother.

Iris came walking from behind and smacked Sokka's shoulder "Jerk! Leave those two alone for a second!" she lectured him.

"I didn't do anything!" Sokka said innocently raising his hands in surrender and then he turned at his sister saying "...First of all, you're supposed to knock before you go inside not before you go outside! And second, as my sister, you really shouldn't be kissing anyone in front of me! It's your sisterly duty to avoid giving me the Oogies!" Sokka said.

Iris face-palmed her forehead "With the 'Oogies' again," she said muttered.

"Oogies'?! Aargh!" Katara growled "...You are so immature sometimes! What about you and Suki?!"

The two siblings started another long wrangling. Iris sighed as her brother tried kindly to stop them.

"Uh, Sokka?" He asked.

"Sokka!" Iris snapped at them.

"What is it, Iris?!" Sokka asked angrily.

"Remind me the reason we're out here, I forgot it," Iris said crossing her arms trying to make Sokka tell them.

Sokka took a deep breath and he stopped his sister's protests "Time out!" he said raising his hand and then he turned at Aang.

"What'd you come out here to tell us?" Aang asked.

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