You're Incredible

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He was late! He was oh so very late!

He promised himself that he would get there early! But here he was, frantically throwing on his clothes and running downstairs.

"No time to talk, I gotta get going! Quick, toss me some beybread!" Valt yelled as he ran into the kitchen.

The only person in the kitchen, Toko, turned his head, watching as his brother slammed into their refrigerator.

"Geez, Valt, what's with all the rushing? I've never seen you this eager to get to school before."

The Valtryek blader gave a quick half smile to his sibling as he back away from the refrigerator,grabbing the handel.

"I gotta be there for something important okay?... Beybread?"

Toko sighed as he handed his brother some bread- watching with narrowed eyes.

"That important thing wouldn't have anything to do with Shu, would it?"

This caught the bluenette off guard. He snapped his full attention to Toko.

A sly grin was plastered on the young siblings face. There was no doubt that he knew exactly what was going on between Shu and Valt.

A rising heat found its way to the Valtryek bladers cheeks as he watched Toko's grin form into a smirk. "Why would you say something like that?"

"No reason..."

Chocolate orbs darted across the room, scanning for some sort of distraction.

The clock... It read 7:20 a.m.

Forgetting about anything other than getting to school, Valt ran for the back door.

"See you later! Have a great day!"

The slam of the door made Toko shake his head.

"He's gotta learn how to do these kind of things better."


As soon as Valt was out the door he began sprinting his way to school, stopping as he approached the gates.

Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he entered the Beigoma Academy building doors.

Students flooded the hallway all around the bluenette as he stopped to look at the time.

7:45 a.m.

He had a good fifteen minutes to get to Shu before classes would start.

He could do this! He could make it to the roof in time! He-

He finally took a breath of air, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

How had he forgotten to breath up until now? Just one of the many ways of Valt...

As he breathing began to even out, Valt hurriedly made his way down the cramped hallway.

There was bumping, near tripping, and the stepping on shoes along the way through the school.

Each time the Valtryek blader would apologize then rush forward, only to repeat the cycle all the way up the levels of the school.

By the time Valt had finally made it to the rooftop door he was fully drained of any energy from earlier. The adrenaline that had been driving him had settled down and washed out of his system.

Now anxiety was beginning to flood him.

Just what was going to await him behind those doors? What if Shu wasn't even there anymore? He'd be left standing all alone with loneliness as his only 'comfort'. Or, what if Shu was waiting out there to tell him that they would have to break off their friendship for some unknown reason?! That would be the worst possible thing to do or hear!... But why would Shu ever say something like that? Who knows- after all, anything could happen on an empty rooftop.

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