Changing Ways

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He messed up his launch.

How could he have been so distracted! Nothing should've been more important that the bey battle that was commencing! And what pray tell could've been more important that it made him lose his game?

Valt Aoi...

The ever enthusiastic Valtryek blader that's who. But why think of him now? He wasn't even anywhere near the bey battle - which was a bit unsettling seeing as Valt was never one to miss out on watching a bey battle. Especially if the one battling was Shu Kurenai...

Spryzen spun wildly around the bey stadium, ricocheting off the walls surrounding it.

The bey that had gotten a perfect launch, circled at the center threateningly. Its purple coloration glimmering under the schools lights.

"Messing up a launch isn't like you, Shu. Get your head out of the clouds and focus on the battle!"

Shu glanced up at his opponent for a split second. A silent glare being given in that brief moment.

"Who said anything about me being unfocused? Go now Spryzen!"

At being called upon by its partner, Spryzen regained its grip on the stadium floor and picked up speed. From there the bey circled its way around the stadium until it found an opening.

Shu smirked inwardly to himself, looking down to his gloved hand, making a tight fist.

"Spryzen, Upper Launch!"

"Oh no you don't! Wyvron, Shield Crash now!"

Without a moments hesitation Spryzen charged forward, its spirit coming alive as it clashed head on with Wyvron.

Both beys struggled against the others power. Neither side giving an inch.

"Do it Spryzen!"

With a final push Spryzen blazed through Wyvron, bursting it.

"That's two points for a burst finish! Shu Kurenai wins!"

Shu nodded in satisfaction, bringing his gloved hand up to brush sone hair away from his eye to reveal a scar.

The small crowd of students who had been watching the battle cheered at Shu's victory as he bent over the arena to retrieve his bey.

"Isn't he just the coolest!"

"Where are his other friends?"

"Nobody can beat you Shu!"

The crowd continued their uproar for several moments before they began to die down when Wakiya made his way around the arena to stand by Shu.

"You weren't even giving me your full strength out there! I want a rematch and if you give me another weak performance like that then we'll just keep battling until you give me a proper battle!" Wakiya spoke in a demanding voice. His eyes never once breaking contact with Shu's. There was no way he was not going to be denied.

Giving a blank stare in return, Shu answered softly.

"Spryzen needs a break... and so do I. We'll battle again later."

The blonde looked as if he were going protest but ended up keeping his mouth shut when a firm hand was placed on his shoulder.

"That sounds like a great idea! You shouldn't push yourselves too hard. Go rest up and Wakiya and I will catch up with you later." Hoji smiled sympathetically to the Spryzen blader then turned his attention to the blonde.

"Come on, let's practice together."

Wakiya gave a grunt but nodded a surrender, shaking the hand on his shoulder off. A small blush dusting his cheeks.

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