TAGGGGGAT!! :V (psht.idkwhattoputforatittle)

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Let's do it!



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1. Least favourite subject at school?
I'll have to go with history. Most history teachers are boring. I mean, it's interesting and all, but I usually fall asleep in those classes. The only thing I actually like learning from there is about the Civil War, and the two World Wars. (I'm such a weirdo)

2. Do you eat meat?

I devour it lol
(Although sometimes I kinda feel bad I'm eating something that used to be alive)

3. Give up WiFi or meat?
WiFi is bae.

4. Peggy or Eliza?
(Who the fuck are they!?)
Um... None..?

5. Squirreldrama (sqirrelflight) or bramblebutt (brambleclaw)?
(... what...?)
Hmmmm.... Umm...none...

6. Favourite UnderTale AU?
I like the original better but if I had to choose another I'd go with ReaperTale.

7. Weirdest ship, that you ship?
Uh um...
Hmmm.... people say Sansby is weird so yah...
But um...as for the weirdest... Idk? There's too many...

8. Do you ship Phan?

9. Favourite books?
The bible.

I not even know how to spell it lol. I was gonna spell it like bibble but then the little red line appeared under and then I knew it had to be wrong haha.

I don't really have favorites cuz I love all book you guys make!

10. Favorite character if said book?
None! :D

11. Pearl, Amethyst, or Garnet?
I can take them three.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

12. Hogwarts House?

13. Are you a cat person?


I hate cats.

I hate Nekos.

I don't really like cat OCs

Get triggered.

I mean like seriously, is this a fetish bruh? XD



1. Do you dislike cats?

2. What's the weirdest thing nyou have done while drunk?

3. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy/desire? >:)

4. Do you like Eminem? (He's the god of rap. He's a legend)

5. What is your favorite Season of the year?

6. Have you ever been bitten by a spider?

7. Do you like Kermit the frog?

8. What is your favorite meme?

9. Have you ever written something sinful?

10. Do you have crippling depression?

11. How fast do you finish a mile?

12. What's the weirdest thing you've seen from the weird side of YouTube?

13. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the ship Sansby?
(Mine is over 9000!!!)


Anyway, you're tagged.

Do it only I'd you want


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