Expired Almost Lover

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Yesterday I think I let go. Of you, of our memories together, of the times we laughed, the times we hugged, the times we swore to never forget. I let go of the inside jokes, the smoke on your lips, the way you'd watch me silently. I let go of who I was with you and who I used to be back then.

Because it's all gone now. You don't care. You aren't coming crawling back to me.

I unfollowed you on social media and deleted your number from my phone. I'm disconnecting myself from you; it's the only way to truly let go. I don't know why I held on for so long. We both know our relationship had long since expired. I realize now that we both found someone new. So I need to take 'us' out with the trash and never think twice or look back.

If this is the end; I don't know.

If this is the end; I sure hope so.

So goodbye my expired almost lover....

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