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It takes them three days before they set out for Pristella.

Roswaal: "I respect Emilia-sama's decision, aaaaaaand there's nothing urgent for her to do here, sooooo I'm amenable to it. Though it iiiiiiiiiis worrying that their intentions are uuuuuuunreadable."

The Meeting of the Western Lords—a conference between Margrave Roswaal and the other lords under that banner—will be taking place in the mansion of the most neutral lord among them. The lords are generally compliant to Roswaal's beat, but some definitely do voice objection and unease about his support for Emilia.

Most of the lords are copacetic to Roswaal's policy of demihuman favouritism, or really, equality for demihumans, but half-elves are not commonly regarded as demihuman.

Over the past year, they have succeeded in getting some lords to superficially support her through discussions and deals. This conference is, in part, to establish a podium for her to speak with the lords who still stubbornly refuse her.

Roswaal is leaving the mansion empty to set up that groundwork. Emilia: "I'm sorry. I honestly wanted to attend the meeting too, but..."

Roswaal: "Iiiiiiiiit would backfire. The purpose of this meeting is so that you may speak with them later, meaning that it would be foul play to reveal you at this stage. ...Hoooooowever, if you could calm the confusion and silence the rebelling lords with some masterful piece of oration, that wooooooould be nice."

Emilia: "...I don't think I can manage that yet. Okay. I'll behave."

Emilia purses her lips and casts her gaze down in frustration. Roswaal nods at her, satisfied. Subaru does want to object to Roswaal's somewhat sarcastic tone, but at least it means the guy is speaking with her more sincerely.

It's infinitely better than last year, when Roswaal blatantly kept Emilia the Accessory away from the political issues—or so Emilia divulged to Subaru after he complained about it.

Roswaal makes a far more dependable supporter now that he's being proactive. But since his motives are questionable, it's only half as beneficial as it initially seems.

Subaru: "Assuming that Petra's definitely going to the meeting... who's left in the mansion?"

Roswaal: "Anne-Rose and her associates wiiiiiiill be attending. I doubt there will be any issues if Clind-kun is present, coooooonsidering his favouritism for Petra. I was intending to leave Frederica here, since she gets along poorly with him... what about you, Ram?"

Ram: "I shall accompany you as you desire, Roswaal-sama."

Subaru: "You say 'as you desire' but it's totally your desires talking..."

Ram is still an advocate for Roswaal, but is less hesitant to insist upon her own desires now. Roswaal seems to be accepting it without thinking it strange. Their relationship of one-sided dependency looks to have changed.

The dependant atmosphere around them is gone, and it feels like they actually understand each other now. Though it's unclear whether it's beneficial to have someone around who empathises with Roswaal.

Ram: "What are you staring at. Say anything thoughtless and I'll mash your eyes to paste, Barusu."

Subaru: "Sister, in your mind, just how incessant am I exactly?"

Ram: "..."

Ram makes an extremely complicated expression.

It's not because it's a tricky question. It's just the expression she makes whenever Subaru calls her 'Sister'.

She doesn't dislike it, but it doesn't feel legitimate. Since she has yet to recover her memories of Rem, those years of being worshipped by her little sister are still lost to the void.

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