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Ram: "Apologies for this when you're motivated, Emilia-sama, but Garf is entering the tomb first."

That is Ram's first line after finishing her chat and returning to the group with Garfiel.

Subaru's eyes widen. Emilia and Otto are also plainly surprised.

Subaru: "Garfiel's doing the TRIAL... seriously?"

Ram: "Most seriously of seriously. Yes, Garf?"

Ram nods and glances up to Garfiel, who stands beside her.

Their height difference is not that great, but regardless Garfiel is slightly taller than Ram. He sticks his fingers in his bangs, matted with dry blood, and averts his gaze so as to not engage in the conversation.

Ram grabs that unengaged ear of his and yanks it.

Ram: "Are you listening, Garf? What nerve you must have, ignoring us."

Garfiel: "Auahg! Adduhd!? Oi, Ram!? My amazin' ear's barely hangin' onter my head right now! 'S seconds from coming off... 's bleedin'!"

Ram: "It seems that introspection you had after that beatdown from us isn't functioning. I'll mention now that our side still has Emilia-sama left, who hasn't exhausted her stamina in the slightest. You do recognize what will happen if you rebel?"

Emilia: "I-I... wasn't thinking to do anything violent..."

Everyone is drowning in wounds and sitting at the peak of exhaustion—except for Emilia, who had not participated in the fight and remains in top condition.

They had just ended a battle where the whole point was to not get Emilia involved, and still Ram is instantly using her to start making threats. Terrifying backbone.

Garfiel: "Yeah, I get it. We start fightin' again here and my amazin' self ain't gonna win. EARTHSOUL BLESSING's given me a lotter my strength back... but it ain't enough fer a fight."

Subaru: "That's a relief to hear. I'd seriously rather not get into any more fistfights with you. Thought I was gonna die. You're sitting second or third in this month's rankings."

Otto: "Natsuki-san, just how many butcheries have you squeaked through? It's scary."

Subaru recollects on his fistfight with Garfiel and shivers. Otto envisions the grisliness of the scene and shivers.

This ranked in second or third place for his experiences in almost dying—but considering that he has also actually died, perhaps the peril he faced here was not really so hazardous.

Garfiel: "...How'm I th'second or third?"

Subaru: "Well that's where you are. Second or third." something something We take this outside and more's gonna happen.

Garfiel: "Ha! Yer smooth talk ain't gonna hook me. 'S a DERDERDE LURKS IN THE SHADOWS OF


Garfiel snorts away Subaru's challenge, and traces his fingers over his forehead scar.

His sharp gold eyes then gaze at the sight behind Subaru and the others—at the tomb, looming.

Garfiel: "Wheedlin', n' actual force... still can't believe yer used both. Now's t'try seeing things with yer view, n' decide."

Emilia: "What are you deciding?"

Emilia quietly asks Garfiel.

He looks at her. She looks back at him straight-on.

This might be the first time that they have ever faced each other in earnest.

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