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Behold: The title page for the first phase of the fifth arc of the Re:Zero web novel. After months and months of arc 4, we are here.

Those who have been following the effort thus far can probably anticipate what will be written on this page. And so I won't disappoint you! Here are your beloved, familiar, incessant advisories:

I am an instrument of whimsy. Hence the words that appear in this document are dictated by impulse, and phrasing comes from whatever popped into my head first. Nomenclature and romanizations of names and so on are also arbitrarily decided by whims, and subject to abruptly change or deviate from commonly accepted fandom terms whenever. Know that these documents are overwhelmingly unprofessional, but still hopefully enjoyable.

Proof-reading and editing is still not a real thing. Brace for typos, donk sentences, and incredible lapses in 'this line is being a bitch I'll skip forward and do it later good thing my Flawless Faultless Memory Brain exists and will remind me to do that.'

My Japanese is still not a towering beacon of consummate perfection. Mistranslations will happen, but ideally not frequently and not fatally. My qualifications for translating anything are still nil.

Previous chapters can be found on the MEGA as always:


And my email remains constant as always:


But all that aside, let us



get into arc 5.

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—He breaks into a sprint, launching himself forward.

Air breezes over the sweat that drips from his brow to his eyes. He blinks it away, ignoring it.

His lungs ache with every breath. His innards twist into knots.

He grits his teeth and dispels all his pain.

The only thing left in his mind is the world 'goal'.


Someone is yelling far in the distance.

Their voice draws ever nearer, closing in on Subaru as he runs. With their call as his landmark, as his beacon, he sprints onward, onward—.


The frantic voice draws him in. Heedless of the white light swamping his vision, he runs. And,

"Goal, in fact!"

The second he crosses the finish line clumsily drawn underfoot, the sky and the earth swap places. Small weeds poke into the crown of his head, and Subaru instantly puts his hand to the ground for a forward roll. The habitual action kills his momentum, and with two more unneeded rolls, he lands sprawled out on the ground.

Subaru: "Bhaahhh! Auhhg! Everything hurts! Everything stings! But it's over! I did it!" Breathing breath after ragged breath, he still finds it in him to shout.

[Web Novel] Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now