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Y/n's POV
-y/n: hello Mark how are you??
I was going to call you.
-Mark:really now?? You've been avoinding me for the past few days.
And am still waiting for your answer.
-y/n: let's meet in the coffee shop down my building we need to talk.
-mark:am on my way see you there.

What am I going to say.

Arrived there in few minutes
He was already there sitting by the glass window.
I knew him by the black mask and hat he was wearing.
I sat down,
-mark:hi you came!!!
-y/n:well yeah I need to talk to you.
-Mark: okay am listening.
-y/n: I love you but not the same way you do I mean you're a close friend of mine, my only friend to be exact and I don't want to lose you. But I don't have feelings for you as you do for me.
Am sorry.
He looked down  upset, but he managed to put on a smile of his face like he understood me.
-mark: well, let's forget about it then.
I be fine and we can still be friends.
-y/n: am sorry.
-mark: that's okay, do you want something to drink??.
-y/n:I'll have a cup of coffee please.

He went to the counter and got back with a cup of coffee.
He sat In front of me and smiled
-Tell me how was your day??he said while sipping his drink.
-y/n:okay, I have to find a new appartement for me and the boys to live in.
-Mark: why do you have to live with them??
-y/n:the CEO found its a good idea for me.so I can supervise them and keep them on tracks.
-mark:oh and did you start searching for it??
-y/n: I just got the news so am gonna start tonight. And by the way thank you .
-mark:for what??
-y/n: setting the photo shoot
-mark:oh that, you're welcome.
-y/n:so how was your day??
-Mark: as usual training and writing some lyrics.
-y/n:really??? You write song lyrics??
-mark: I try to
-y/n:me too maybe we can help each other??
-Mark: yeah for sure that will be nice.so show me your writings??
-y/n: yeah I have them upstairs would you like to come??
Definitely he said with a big smile.

-mark: intersting, the lyrics are so interesting, are those about you??
-y/n: kind of, I wrote about my feelings, past experiences, hopes and dreams. Are they any good??
-mark: they need a little bit of work but we can use some of them.
y/n: can you translate them to Korean??
-mark: yeah and maybe I'll try to compose some music for it.
-y/n:wow , thank you.

-mark:about the way a friend of mine owns a building in your neighborhood, I could talk to him about an appartement .if you like.

Yeah I said with a big smile thank you.

Days passed and I already made a deal with mark's friend about the appartement .
It was huge with 8 bedrooms and big kitchen and four bathrooms.the company will pay for it for a year if the group disbands before that we have to pay for the rest alone.
But in the bright side Everyone will get a room I mean that would be great for me.

The day came where I had to leave my place to move to the dorm.
And tomorrow it's going to be the boys debut that means a concert will be held in downtown Seoul and I have to be there early to make sure everything is okay.

Shit it's going to be a long week.
I emptied my clothes on the bed and tried to fold them up and put them in the closet.
The boys are also here and they already finished unpacking. Jin is in the kitchen setting it down and getting to know it, suga was in his room, jhope and rapmonster were taking a walk outside to get to know the neighberhood. Jungook jimin and v were setting down the tv so they can play video games this evening.

-y/n could you come here please
Jin said.
I went there immediately
-yeah can I help you with anything??
-what are we going to have for dinner?? we bought nothing.
-I'll go to the grocery store I'll be back in a gif.
-take suga with you let him help you carrying the grocery bags.
-will do.

I went to his room, knocked and waited................... no answer ,I knocked again...............still no answer.
I bulged in and there he is sleeping!!
Went to his side and called his name.

-Yoongie get up please.
No answer
-yoongie get up.I said louder.
He fell from the bed.
Hhhhh funny I laughed as he got angry
-What are you doing here?
-we're going shopping and I need your help.
-can't anyone else help you.??
-they're all busy you're the only one not doing a thing.
-I don't want to go.
-please. I pleaded and made a cute face.
-that doesn't work on me leave now.

At that moment jin came.
-So when are you going?
-right now.
-is he going with you. Jin said while pointing to the sleeping suga.
-he didn't want to but that's not a problem I'll manage.
-can you give us a second I need to talk to him.

I got up and headed outise the room.
Got my phone and called Mark.
-Will you go shopping with me??
-Yeah, where do you want to meet??
-the store next to my old appartement.
-see you in 10 mintues.

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