MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 8 (republished!!!)

Start from the beginning

I get in the car and drive away . . . tears are running down my face . . . my arms and legs are shaking. I'm very sure that I feel even emptier than he does right now . . . he is ripping my heart out. Who am I without my brother? . . . he's my heart, my everything. I stop at a red light and look at my phone. 

He doesn't even  call me . . . . usually he's the first to grab the phone and call when we're in a fight. . . . I'm not surprised why he doesn't care . . . . that's what drugs do to you . .  you don't CARE anymore . . . . 

I stop at the gas station and get myself a bottle of water. . I rush back out and accidentally hit someone in the shoulder. "OH I'm sorry!" The woman looks at me "Can't you see where you're going?!" - "I'm sorry, my head is all over the place . . I apologize . . honestly. . . I'm sorry"

I rush back to the car . . . 

DANG!! I forgot my wallet!!!!! I get out of the car and there she is . . the woman I accidentally hit on the way rushing out of the shop. "You dropped your wallet" - "Oh gosh!! thank you SO MUCH!!! thank you!!!!" I take it and put it in my jeans pocket."Good night!" I get in the car and take a second to gather myself. . . . I can't help but start crying . . . I can't drive like this . . my vision is completely blurry . . . A minute later I hear a knock on the window. . . . she's still here . . . what is she still doing here?. . . 

I roll down the window. "I know, it's none of my business and I didn't mean to watch but I saw you cry in there and I just couldn't walk away" - "Thanks for your concern . . but everything's alright . . I'm just a little stressed out from work, that's all" - "Oh you are? I feel the same way!"

"Really?" She gives me a warm smile "Yes . . . work is kicking my butt and I think we're not the only ones feeling this way" Even though I'm not telling the truth about why I'm crying, I do feel under a lot of stress. . so technically, I'm not lying.

"I think you're right, we're definitely not the only ones feeling this way"
Even though I feel like going home, I kind of like talking to her. 

The positive expression on her face comforts me in a way. "Ummm . . are you here by yourself?" She nods. "Yea, I'm waiting for my friend to pick me up" - "Do you need a ride home?" A shy smile appears on her face. "If I'm not a burden to you, I'd be very glad if you could"

I open the car door from the inside . . she walks around the car and gets in. 

"Wow, you're very generous. . . thank you so much!" 

"No problem" 

She keeps looking at me . . "Are you feeling better now?" I take a quick look at her. "Not really. . . to be honest" She puts her hand on my shoulder. . . I almost forget to hit the breaks at the red light. "I'm driving you home but I don't even know your name" 

She smiles "I'm Mariah. . . what's your name?" - "I'm Michael" - "It's very nice to meet you Michael . . thank you so much for giving me a ride home!" - "No problem . . I like to help people" - "Aww you do? I feel the same way. . there should be more people like that . . then maybe the world would be a better place"

"You're absolutely right, Mariah" 

"What is your job? where do you work?" - "I'm a doctor at the Sacred Heart hospital" - "You are?! wow! no wonder you're stressed out! I bow down for you. . . now, that's a job!"

I smile

"And what do you work?"

 "I'm a nursery teacher at the Gummybear children's house"

"I LOVE children" She smiles "I love them too . . they light up my day, yet they keep me busy and stressed out sometimes" - "I'm sure they do" . . We both smile . . . . "That's my house . . on the right!" I park the car on the right side of the road. She looks at me, not knowing what to say. . .

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