MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 22

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I change into my pyjamas and walk up to my bed . . . I turn on the bedside lamp and that's when I see Ashley sleeping on the left side of my bed . . . . oh boy . . . I didn't expect her to be here . . . was she so tired before bed that she confused the rooms? or did she decide to sleep in my bed instead? . . I'm a little confused but of course I don't mind at all . . . . . . or maybe I should just sleep in the guest room . . just in case . . . I don't wanna scare her in the morning . . . she must've confused the rooms . . I can't just get in bed and act like nothing's unusual . . . I turn off the bedside lamp and walk back to the door.

"Mi. . Michael??" 

. . I turn around . .

. . . "Yes?" 


~ Ashley's point of view ~

Oh my gosh . . . . !! I just realized that I'm in Michael's bedroom!!!! . . this is SO EMBARRASSING!! For a second I thought he was just gonna check on me but that's not the case! "Michael, I'm so sorry I didn't know I was in your bedroom . . I'm so so sorry!" I get up and walk to the door. "It's ok . . you can sleep here, I'll sleep in the guest room . . it's totally fine!" He gives me the sweetest smile ever . . . "Michael, you have no idea how embarassed I feel right now. . I didn't mean to sleep in your bed . . it was dark and I was tired, I just walked down the hallway and I ended up here . . I'm so sorry!" He walks me back to the bed. "It's alright . . really . . no need to explain" I lay down . . Michael grabs the covers and pulls them up to my stomach. "I'm sorry I woke you up, please go back to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright?" - "Ok . . . umm, Michael wait" He looks at me "Yes, what is it?" 

"I cooked dinner for you . . I hope you saw it, I made it for you tonight and for tomorrow . . you can take it with you to work if you like" - "Oh Ashley . . I ate it and I LOVED it! you're an amazing cook! I'd be more than happy to take the rest with me to work tomorrow!" . . YES! YES! YES! he likes my cooking! Gosh, I'm so glad! this makes me so happy! "Wow, thank you. . I love cooking . . especially for people I like" He gives me a shy smile . . . "That's really nice of you . . but please know that you don't have to do anything around here, ok?" - "Michael . . it makes me happy. . I WANNA cook and I wanna help around the house . . it's the least I can do for you and I LOVE doing it. . . please let me . . ok?" The shy smile on his face is killing me . . he's so painfully handsome. . . "Ok, I'll let you do whatever you want Ashley. . but you should relax and take things easy ok? if you feel tired don't do anything, ok? it's perfectly fine if there's no food, I can just get something on my way home . . . remember that, ok?" I smile at him and nod "Ok Michael"

~ Mike's point of view ~

I'm in Queens, NYC right now with Rick, an old friend of mine . . . we're on our way to his favorite club. it's almost midnight and I hear the party bells ringing. "You got some stuff, Mike?" - "Yea. . . you know me, I got the GOOD stuff, HAHA!" We head to Roosevelt Avenue, that's where we always hang out. "Try this Mike . . you are gonna love it. . . this weed is laced with some nice ass coke. . it got me higher than I've ever been before, dude! take it!" I grab the joint and take a long drag. . . . "HOLY SHIT, this stuff is good! where did you get it??" Rick starts laughing. "Just wait for it . . you're gonna be flying high in a minute, haha!! umm, I got this stuff yesterday at a bar . . I laced it with coke myself!" - "DAMN, you sure know how to do it!!" . . A group of guys walk by us . . . we're sitting on a hidden bench behind two trees . . . "Rick, do you know these guys?" - "Yea . . they hang around Central Park a lot . . one of them, the big guy . . he's the one . . . you know . . the one who killed this other dude" - ". . . He killed someone?!!" 

They walk past us and head to the subway station. "Wow Rick . . I'm feeling better and better, this stuff is good!" I take another drag . . . . "Hey! hey! leave something for me you ass!" . . We both laugh . . 

We're on our way to the club now . . . I'm high as fuck and so is Rick . . . "Dude, I'm ready to fuck a few bitches, what about you, Mike?" - "HAHA . . of course I am!" We walk inside . . . this place is sick . . the music is amazing and the women here are not bad either . . . . damn . . . Rick already grabbed himself a hottie. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her up to him. "Hi sexy, you like long walks on the beach or do you wanna cut through all the crap and have sex??" She looks very drunk . . . she wraps her arms around him and kisses him on his neck . . . "Damn, you're a bad boy aren't you?" She looks at me and bites her lip. "Whoooo . . who's your friend? damn baby . . you're HOT!" - "Don't even touch me . . you ain't my type" She slaps me across the face . . . . what a bitch . . how dare she slap me for no damn reason?!! . . "Yo! . . you better move bitch, I'm telling you" - "I'm not going anywhere you jerk, how can you say I'm not your type? I just got these boobs last weekend, don't you like 'em?" - "Bitch, I like the real stuff, if it ain't big by nature - I ain't touching it . . . you're made in china, I can tell from a mile away. . . just fucking get outta my face" 

She walks right in front of me and literally shovers her fake ass tits in my face. "You're hot and I want your dick inside of me tonight!!!" I push her away . . she falls down on her fake ass . . . . "Come on Rick, let's go!" We walk to the other side of the club and order a drink. "Two Jack Daniels and be generous if you know what I mean ;). . . more Jacky. . less coke!" The girl smiles at me "You sure wanna party tonight, don't cha?" I laugh "Sure!" She hands us the drinks. "Here you go, have fun!" We walk up to a table and sit down. DAMN . . . she sure put a lot of whisky in there but that's how I like it!!! "Mike, I need some more of that weed, let's go outside and smoke some!" We walk out of the club and go back to Roosevelt Avenue. That's a quiet place by the way. . not many people walk by there at this time of the night. He pulls out a little bag. . . "What's that, Rick?" - "This, Mikey boy, is called ecstasy and I think you've tried it before" I grab the little bag and look at it more closely "Actually Rick. . I haven't" 

~ Ashley's point of view ~

2AM . .

I wake up to a beeping sound coming from Michael's night table . . . WOW . . it's so LOUD!!! I can feel my heart racing from how fast I woke up to it!! . . . . a few seconds later Michael comes rushing in, fully dressed. "I'm awfully sorry for the beeper . . . I forgot to take it with me to the guest room . . I have to go to the hospital. . . I'll be back soon! call me if you need me!"

. . . With that said Michael grabs his car keys and next thing I know, he's out the door . . . . . wow . . respect . . I couldn't get up this fast . . and I'm talking about when I'm not pregnant . . I seriously have HUGE respect for Michael . . or any doctor for that matter . . it takes a lot to be a doctor and I bow down to him for all the things he does every single day that I could never ever do . . . . I try to fall back asleep but I can't. . . my mind is with HIM. . I hope he comes back soon . . . I get up and make myself a cup of tea . . . maybe something good is on TV . . . OH YES! Ellen Degeneres is on! I LOVE HER! . . . . 5 episodes and 3 cups of tea later I make my way back to the bedroom . . . now I'm tired again. . . I hope I can sleep. . . . 

~ Michael's point of view ~

Would I rather be in bed right now? YES . . but work calls and I hope and pray to god that it won't take long. I don't want to leave Ashley alone all the time . . . she needs someone by her side and I wanna spend as much time with her as possible. I park the car and walk inside . . . . "Night, everybody!" I rush to my office and take off my jacket . . . "MICHAEL!" Trevor just rushed into my office "Hey Trevor, sorry . . I came as fast as I could, what happened? what's the emergency??" . . . The look on his face scares me . . why is he shaking? . . . . 

~ to be continued ~

thank you guys so much for reading and commenting!

I truly appreciate it all! 

much L.O.V.E xxx

~ Mel

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