MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 14

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~ Mike's point of view ~ 

Oh god . . . that was so close!!!!! fuck!!! I can't believe she walked in here!!! I open the window and take a deep breath . . . I'm fucked . . . I'm so FUCKED . . . Kelley called the cops on me! They're probably on their way looking for me as I'm standing here!! . . . . I have to talk to Michael, I have to tell him about it, I'm gonna be so fucking dead . . . . (20 minutes later) . . . I'm still sitting here waiting for Michael to come back . . what the hell is going on in room 202? what's taking him so damn long?!! . . I NEED HIM NOW!!!!

45 minutes later he FINALLY comes back. "Michael!!!" - "Yes. . I'm sorry that was an emergency. . what's going on, Mike? what do you wanna talk to me about?" - "Dude . . listen. . . the cops are after me. . please help me out of this shit!!" - "THE COPS?? why would they be after you? what the hell did you do?!!" - "It's a long story . . I was out with Kelley that night . . and before I went to pick her up, I had a little. . . you know, I don't wanna say it because I know you will get mad again!" - "What did you do before you went to pick her up, Mike?!!!" - "I did cocain, ok?!!! I had a little, really not much . . and uhh. . . fuck it, LONG STORY SHORT: they're after me and they're after me now! as we speak . . please help me!!!!"

"Ok . . first of all . . WHAT THE HECK, MIKE?! cocain?! come on . . . you can't be serious right now!!! please tell me you're joking!!!!" - "Michael, let's not talk about the drugs now . . PLEASE!!! . . the cops are after me AS WE SPEAK!!! I did something to Kelley I shouldn't have . . I was pretty rough on her" - "You hit a woman again??! what is it with you and hitting women?!!! you should be ashamed of yourself!!!" - "Michael . . I didn't just hit her . . I . . Michael, I . . GOD, I FUCKING RAPED THE WOMAN!!!!! . . ."

Michael slaps me across the face open handed. . . fuck . . I didn't know he had that in him. "Michael Richard Jackson, what the HECK?!!!! you know what?! I'm gonna call the cops and tell them that you're here!!! your butt deserves to be in jail!!" - "WHAAAAT?!!!!??? do you really want me to go to jail??!!!"

. . damn . . . I hope he's not serious about this. "Mike, I always stood up for you . . for everything you did, everything you stole or broke . . . but this one . . this one is BIG!! how can you hurt a woman so bad that she calls the cops on you?!! . . . what goes on in your sick, sick mind that you do this kind of stuff?!!! huh?!!! . . . tell me!!! tell me WHY!!!!"

"I don't fucking know!!!!!!!! I told you, I was on cocain!!!" - "Oh yea, I forgot . . the DRUGS! . . you know what?!!! I'm not gonna be behind you on this one . . . you are acting like a FREAK! . . who does this stuff?? WHO?!!! taking drugs, hurting women . . . hurting women SO BAD that they call the cops on you . . . wow, I'm speechless . . . you outdid yourself once again Mike . . did you really think I would stand up for you and help you with this one?!! did you realy think that, Mike?!!!! you are glad mother doesn't know about this because she would literally die from sadness and humiliation!!!! this is where it stops Mike . . this is where I'm gonna tell you: YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!! . . I'm NOT gonna help you now!!!! if you can take a hard drug like cocain and go out and do some kind of stupid SHIT - yea that's right, I SAID SHIT!!! . . if you can go out and do all that, then you can also go to jail and PAY for the stupid shit you do!!!" He pushes me to the side and walks out of his office . . . . . . . 

I'm so FUCKED . . . I NEED HIM! Michael is the only one I have!!!!! I don't wanna go to jail!!!!! "Michael!!!! . . Michael please wait!! please come back here!! PLEASE!!!!!!" He turns around and walks back "WHAT MIKE??? WHAT? . . WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" - "Michael please help me . . PLEASE!!!!!!" - "No!!! I'm not gonna help you!!!!!!! you deserve this!!!" A tear rolls down his cheek . . . he quickly wipes it away . . "Michael PLEASE!!! I'm begging youu . . PLEASE!!!!" I put my hands on his shoulders and pull him up to me. "PLEASE!! I'm begging you . . help me out of this, PLEASE!!!!!" He puts his arm around me for a second and then pushes me back. "NO!!!! . . not this time, Mike!! NOT THIS TIME!!! I'm ASHAMED of you!!!! now get out of here and PAY for what you did!!!" I get down on my knees and start crying. . . Michael closes the door and sits down at his desk . . . .  

"Mike . . . get up and leave!" - "NO! I'm not leaving here without you!!! the cops are after me!!!! don't you have a heart??? seriously, do you really wanna see me in jail?!!! don't you care about me, man?!!" - "Care about you?!?!  . . are you seriously asking me that question? after all I did for you?!!! you got to be kidding me!!! . . I want your ass in jail because I want you to become normal again!!!!!! you're out of control and you know it Mike!!! you need help!!!!!!!!" - "No . . I'm not out of control, I'm perfectly fine, I swear!!! I don't even wanna use drugs anymore!! I swear !!!"

"And I can't believe I let you go out with Mariah . . . you probably put her in danger tool!!!!!!" - "Mariah?!! you think I put her in danger?!! - "Yes. you probably did!!!!! with you, everything is possible!!!! please just leave . . . I gotta work . . . I really don't have the time and energy for this kind of CRAP right now!!!" . . . He gets up and walks out of the office. . . . .

~ Michael's point of view ~

It's 11:30 pm . . I just came home from work . . GOSH. . today was exhausting. Especially the moment with Mike in my office . . . I can't believe him . . . I couldn't stop thinking about it all day long . . how he can go around and do this stuff is beyond me . . . . I don't get it and I never will!! I take a shower and make myself something to eat. I turn on the TV and try to get my mind off things  . . . it's hard to relax  when all you can think about is your brother . . . . . . . I put the plate down on the table and start crying. . . WHY DOES MIKE HAVE TO BE THIS WAY? WHY? . . . it ripped my heart out talking to him like that . . saying that I want him in jail ! OF COURSE I don't want him in jail but what I'm supposed to do? how else can I help him?!!! . . . I'm not gonna support him now becase I LOVE HIM!!!!! protecting him will not help him . . . it will only make things worse because I know he will not change his ways . . . . not today, not tomorrow . . . . not anytime soon . . .

I LOVE my brother . . . more than anything in this world  . . he has to learn from his mistakes . . . for once in his life he has to learn how to fix things on his own . . he can't always depend on me for every single stupid thing he does . . . . . he knows I love him . . . no doubt about that!! . . I'm doing this out of pure love for him and I hope deep in his heart, he knows that . . . .

I'm in bed now trying to call Mariah but she doesn't pick up . .  her phone isn't even on . . I hope she's alright. I haven't heard from her since the last phone conversation . . and that was a short conversation. . . I hope she's ok . . . and I hope she will call me back in the morning . . . . 

~ Mariah's point of view ~

I'm falling for him more and more . . . . second by second . . . he's so wonderful. Alexander O'Neal is on the stereo . . My mind is up in the heavens and I'm here on this bed shivering from his sweet touches "Ahhhh, you feel so good Michael . . mhmmm . . gosh! I love you, I love you so much!" I officially fell in love with him tonight. . . it happened fast, yes . . but I'm enjoying every second with him . . nothing can ruin this moment . . . nothing . . .

~ to be continued ~

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