Chapter 1

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This is it. The moment my life will change forever. I take a deep breath as I walk onto the stage to deliver my memorable speech. The speech that will be engraved in the minds of my fellow classmates for the rest or their lives, as we are one step away from the big moment. The moment we turn that tassle and say goodbye to the comforts of our homes. A new chapter of our lives begins today.

I have dedicated the past four years of my life to studying. All for this one moment. The moment I adress the fellow class of 2017. Remember the past years of our lives, and how its all about to change.

I can feel my hands sweating, and my throat drying up as I step behind the podium. At first I was terrified, but as I carried on, the words flowed smoothly out of me.

"Fellow class mates, it has been an honor...."

I take it back, no one cares about this speech, I am looking at everyone and for the looks of it, they would rather be anywhere but here. Graduation sucks, all you do is sit in the center of a basketball stadium freezing your but off as you see people drone on about "these wonderfull school years". Which have been nothing but a pain. Honestly, I cant wait to finally leave this achool...

"And so, with these words, I say goodluck class of 2017" I say with fake enthusiasm. The graduation song starts playing and I make my way back to my seat.

What is the point of making graduation "your day" when you sit in a place where your family can't even find you? I mean, the only time you actually get any recognition is when you get your diploma. Which is a endless line composed of two rows. Also, the staff doesn't care its just another student, another class, another year. Lets face it, graduation is seen as way more than it actually is.

The only thing that served as consolation was the thought of my trip to Dominican Republic. The though of finally going out of the country and seeing something other than revision packets was a bliss.

After graduation, the next couple of weeks were a blurr. Nothing really exiting happened, just dealing with college stuff and my job at the mall.

It wasn't until the day before my big trip that I finally realized I had to pack. I take every pair of shorts I own and every bathing suit and shove it inside my black suitcase, I continue to put things inside up to a point where it was obvious that I would never be able to close it, no matter how many people sat on top of it. My dad walk in and inspects the overflowed bundles of clothes sticking out of the bloated suitcase and says "Honey, you know you don't need these many clothes right?"

"Dad, you do know I will be gone for the whole summer, right?" I retort. He chuckles and adds "I would be just fine with just a pair of shoes and two pants".

"Thats because you are a man, but a girl actually likes to wear different clothes everyday." My mom says as she enters my room.

My dad is a tall man with grey hair and brown eyes, while my mother happens to be a petite woman with brown hair and green eyes. They are very respected lawyers and therefore expected me to be the same way. But I always wanted to do something raleted to fashion. I still don't know how I will brake it to them. All I know is that I don't plan on saying anything until after my trip.

My thoughts get interupted by my father's words "Fine Ill go and get a second suitcase, Ill be back in a second". Something inside of me urges to ask my mom once again, but I try not to because I already know how she will answer.

"So honey, are you exited?" my mom asks. "Well I mean, i've wanted to visit DR my whole life so, yeah." I respond calmly. "No not that! I mean the law school!" She says with a smile on her face. Oh that... "Its ok, but fashion desinging would be better, because there is more to the expirince-"

"Oh honey, we have talked about this thousands of times, beating a lawyer is better!" She interupts. And that is why I didn't want to ask. I let out a sight and proceed to take out some clothes from the overly packed suitcas and place them on my bed, waiting for my dad to come with the second suitcase.

My dad walks into the room rolling in a bigger purple suitcase, he knew there was no way that anything smaller would be able to hold all of my stuff.

After packing I go to sleep, I had to head to the airport at 4 in the morining and it was already 1am. Thats what I get for procrastinating.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I feel groggy and want nothing more than staying in my bed. But DR was worth it. The fact that in a couple of hours I would be in a hammock by the ocean, brought me all the comfort I needed to get up from my bed.

I take a bath and put on a white tank top, a pair of jeans and a pink sweater on top, with a pair of white sneakers. I knew airports were cold, but I also knew that once I landed it would be scorching hot in DR. I grab my things and make my way to the kitchen to grab a snack before I say goodbye and leave.

Then I smelled something. Bacon. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom making me breakfast. "Sit down, your breakfast will be ready in a minute" my mom says melodically. "Mom you didn't have to do this, its 4 in the morning" I reply, still amused at the fact that she woke up this early. But then again she was a very caring mother.

Regardless of how strict or head strong she was about me going to school, it didn't change the fact that she was a very loving mother and always took care of me. Ever since I had a memory, she was always very caring and nice. She just wants what is best for me, and I get that.

I eat my breakfast and say goodbye to my mom and dad. After many hugs, kisses and reminders of what not to do, I walk out to find my friends waiting for me in the car.

In this trip it would be me, Eva and Isa. We have been plainning this trip ever since we were juniors in high school. We wanted this to be a celebration trip for graduating high school. Ashley was supposed to join us to, but she got sick and had to cancel on us. We feel bad for her, but as they say "the show must go on"...

Now don't get me wrong, its not like we are ditching her. We tried to reschedule, but it was too late to for cancelations and we would be loosing a lot of money, so she insisted on going without her. She was going on a family trip later in the summer either way, so its all good.

I hop into the car and we drive off to the airport.

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