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Good what ever time it is where you live, mortals. I have decided to tell some truths and do some dares. So please, throw whatever you have, right at my face. You don't have to throw it to hard though.... *murmers* damaging my beautiful face... pshh.... *looks back up at you* a-anyway, I would love to add people in this 'book' if any of you would like to add yourselves or any 'ocs'. All you have to do is tell me the name and personality, and maybe some important information that will be useful. And don't worry, I'm not aloud to hurt people. I'm on stupid probation..... *sicks tounge out at Trunks who is in the distance watching me* anyhow, it'll be nice for someone to talk to here... all this is right now is a white void.... I'm so lonely.... *clears throat* lets see... anything else? *thinks to self* oh yes! I have almost forgotten, this book contains a bunch of randomness in it.... like sometimes when Zamasu and I are doing nothing, a girl with blonde hair will come out of no where and pull a bunch of confetti poppers... I haven't seen her (or him)enough to personally know her (or him)though, so I shall do my best in trying to get to know her(or him) more and then I'll tell you information about her. Or him. Or them... well anyway, I shall leave it here, fellow mortals. I bid you fare well, and, I hope you enjoy the adventure we are about to begin. *hugs you guys and walks away*

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