chapter eight

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"How are we going to get in," Happy asks us as we stand outside of where Sabertooth is.

"You guys get as close as you can. Try to take cover away from the windows," I grin before. Natsu could say a word I run off and around the building to shatter all the glass to pieces. Afterwards, I follow Natsu's scent and find him kicking down doors with fire exploding everywhere. "Aww, you took all the fun."

"Sorry, bout that," he laughs before getting back to business.

"It's alright. I guess there's enough to go around," I grin lighting my fists on fire with blue flames. I slam my fists into a couple of Sabertooth members and watch as they fly back.

"Where is your master," we both yell simultaneously as we easily fight against the members beating them to orange pulps. "TELL US."

A man tries to attack me, but I grab his wrist and flip him over. He slams to the floor on his butt and I leave my flames for my electricity. Purple bolts surge through his body and he yells before I let go. It was only a little shock so he won't be too hurt. I have to conserve my power for their master.

I throw him over to the group of people before us. The smoke clears a bit from our mess and we jump out from the remaining smoke.

"Bring him out now," Natsu growls at the group. I like the fire in his eyes. It looks good on him.

A big man with a beard steps forward. He's massive.

"If you have something to say to me, you should say it," the big man says. He rules his guild with fear. I'm not surprised.

"You the master of this sorry bunch," Natsu asks as my eyes scan over the guild. "So its one loss and you're out on the street, huh? Those are some hardcore rules, pal."

"It's disgusting, really. Sore losers, are we," I grin then look over my shoulder to Sting who stands still. "It's a shame to see you decided to choose this guild, Sting."

"And who the hell are you," the Master asks. My eyes flicker to the man who calls himself a master. Around his guild I hear my name being whispered and I laugh.

"Why should I tell you when its clear that all your members know? Maybe I should ask you that," I grin looking up to the old man. " No matter cause no one will even remember your name when I'm done with you."

"Yvette," Natsu hisses like I've never heard before. I look over my shoulder and see him a fire sits in his hands. Too bad.

"Very well, Dragneel. I guess I've had my fun for the day," I sigh then let. Natsu take my place.

"Did you two truly come here to challenge me," the master asks taking a step forward. "Very foolish."

"We came here to teach you not to turn your back on people you're supposed to care for so you better listen," Natsu says fiercely.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds to me that you two think everyone should behave by your personal moral code."

"How the hell do you not know what we're talking about," Natsu and I yell at the same time.

"Hey, Dobengal. Deal with these intruders," the master orders. Are you serious? What a lame-o.

"Yes, sir," a boy in black says showing up next to him. He's fast, but I saw him coming. I step forward, but Natsu stops me by putting his arm out.

"What? Are you scared," Natsu asks not leaving the masters eyes.

"I don't feel like wasting my time disposing of an insect like you," the master retorts.

Eclipse [Sting Eucliffe x Natsu Dragneel]Where stories live. Discover now