Chapter 4

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Sora's pov:

i woke up early after going back to sleep as i heard mushashi said as he went to sleep as i felt my bandaged up eye then i kicked the bars open and i left a note on Kenshiruo's door then i made my way to Building 5 as Samon was up and taking his inmates to do some training "Yo Gokuu and building 5 inmates" i shouted as they turned around "Where is your supervisior inmate" Samon demanded "he just dropped me off Sir cause i wanted to train with you and your inamtes again today" i stated as he sighed "better give me a heads up next time cause i wot take it lightly next time" he huffed as he lead us to the training grounds. i ran lap with Liang and Upa well he was just floating i guess you could say "So Twenty faces how old are you?" Laing asked suddenly "oh um im 19 but i be 20 soon" i replied, as he tripped as Upa fell on his butt "YOU'RE 19!" they said at the same time and i nodded as i jogged in place "yeah haha surprising aint it" i asked as i tilted my head "yeah the pig want you to join his organiazition at a very young age" he stated as i shrugged "any ways that is in the past" i stated as i helped them up "lets train hmmm Upa trian with and use whatever you feeling like using"i stated as he sighed "fine just to see what you are made of" he stated as he got into stance and i just stood analyzing him then i charged at him suddenly sending punches but he blocks them til i trip him making him falling on his butt as i was about to tackle him he send a ball of chi at me sending me flying tearing my outfit a bit enough to show my chest bandages and i crashed into a tree "Okay that hurt"i groaned as i got out of the tree then i went down on all fours then charged jumping in the air as i was coming down, upa jumped out of the way seeing my fist coming right at him. I punched the ground making a crator.

Upa's pov: 

'what brute strength' i thought as my face paled seeing him create a crator where i was standing a few seconds ago "Okay owww that hurts"i heard him as he stood up shaking the pain away from his hand and i noticedhis chest was bandaged ' strange' i thought but shrugged it off and i charged him but he ducked and punched me in the gut making fall down trying to breathe since  he knocked the air out  of me "i win Upa"" he stated as he grined and helped me up which i accepted his help "wel that was intense" Liang stated as he walked up to us with his arms behind his head as samon walked outside "what happened here?" he asked in a surpirsed tone seeing the damaged

Samon's pov: 

'i walk away for one minute and come back to destruction!' i thought as i asked what happened here "That was my bad Monkey i took training to serious" inmate 666 stated with a cheeky grin "its fine i guess"i sighed as Qi injected 666 with something making him collapse to the ground "What the hell are you doing Qi!" i asked angerly and in shock "Just checking his wounds while he is unconscious so he wont put up a fight" he stated as he treated them

Qi's pov:
'i see that his chest was bandaged up for an odd reason' i thought as i patched up his hand and other injuries he required from Upa "well im all done and we should move to our cell to rest til Kenshiruo comes to pick him up" i stated as Samon nodded picking 666 up and headin to our cell as we called it a quits for training today. We all sat down in a circle while twenty faces was still asleep "Twenty faces is an unusual male" Upa commented as Laing and I both nodded in an agreement "Yes he is but I wonder what his story is" Laing stated as I pondered for a moment while analyzing twenty faces 'he is surely an extraordinary male' I thought as I looked at his face 'well have to a admit  he is strong for a skinny male' I thought as he shot his eyes opened then glared at me

Kenshiruo's pov:
'damn it inmate 666 escaped from his cell' i thought as i headed to building 5 "where is inmate 666 samon!?" i demanded as i entered his office "oh Kenshiruo it is just and inmate 666 is in cell 5 with my inmates resting til you get here to pick him up" samon stated as he got up from his desk leading me to cell 5 as we approached cell 5 we heard the inmates arguing and samon busted in "what is going on in here!?" he shouted as we looked at Qi being held up from his collar by inamte 666 "he drugged me knocking me unconscious Kenshiruo!" inmate 666 growled throwing him to the side with a loud whack "inmate 666 calm down or i will have to use force" i stated making him look at me with a smirk "with these cute weapons?" he asked holding up my whip and the monkey's staff "what when how?" we said at the same time "you two maybe be cute but not very keen on your senses" he stated as we looked confused "did he just call us cute?" samon mumbled as i nodded then inmate 666 tossing us our weapons "i think he did" i muttered as i escorted inmate 666 back to our building, shoving him into a cell across from inmate 34 "hey im supposed in that cell not this one!" "be quirt inmate 666 or i will put you solitary confinement" i growled narrowing my eye at him as he glared at me. I went back to my office to file out extra paperwork and eat some food.

Sora's pov : 

I picked the lock with ease the I went into my old cell "You are going to get into trouble you know" Mushashi stated as I shrugged and sat down beside him laying my head in his lap "I don't care it cold over there and warm in here" I muttered as he started to pet my head soothing my temper and I became relaxed as the night lead on

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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