Chapter 2

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Sora's pov:

i bandaged up my arm up again just when i finish bandaging up my arm the police barged in weapons drawn causing me to hiss at them as they surround me "no where to go now twenty faces!" the chief stated as i growled looking at them and sighed surrendering "smart kid" the chief stated as he got closer and i put him in a head lock taking his gun from him pointing it at his head "Get out of here or he is dead"i stated as they scoffed and aimed their guns at me "im giving you your final warning leave or he is dead" i growled cocking the gun putting my finger on the trigger as they started to sweat "do what it takes mean" he stated as they looked at each other then i pointed the gun at the lights shooting them encasing the room in total darkness and they frantically tried to locate me as i gathered up my equipment along with my jacket and i opened the window jumping out only to land in a metal cage. I growled "God Dammit!" i yelled as i kicked the cage bars as the chief laughed at me "Finally caught the mysterious twenty faces Now you are going to Nanba Prison where you can not escape" he said as a helicopter hovered over me then they flew me to Nanba prison and i put my jacket on cause of the cold air. i waited my arrival to nanba prison but i fell asleep on the way there then i got woken up by someone "HEY PUNK WAKE UP" a bald man yelled at me through the cage causing me to growl "Shut up you gorilla" i sat up rubbing my eye as their eyes widen seeing my scars on my face then they recomposed themselves "Welcome to Nanba Prison and you will not escape from here" He stated as i looked around "Its fucking bright for my taste" i stated as i bent the bars easily since my arm fully healed and i looked at them "So what fucking building you going to put me in" i asked as i pulled out a piece of paper from my back pocket "Building 5 Supervisor guard Samon or supervisor Hajime of Building 13 ?" i asked making his eyes widen then snatched the piece of paper from me "How do you get this info?" he asked grabbing my by the front of my shirt as i smirked at him "I have my ways Hajime" i stated as he took me to the warden's office and i stood before her and the other guards of different buildings "Twenty Faces is nice to meet the mysterious man of japan" she stated as she put her hands in front of her "Uh huh so which one of these lovely guards is mine?" i asked as the monkey tried to whack me but i caught his hand "Show some respect inmate 666" he stated as i smirked flipping him over "i don't care if you are handsome monkey but don't touch me" i stated with a ice cold glare and i stretch bending backwards "I'm putting you in Kenshiruo's care" she stated as a guy in pink took a step forward "I get the puppy? Awesome lead the way Kenshirou" i stated as his eye twitched as he put handcuffs on me but i escaped from them easily "I don't like bracelets"i stated as everyone's eyes widen and i motioned him to lead the way "I wont escape Ken"i said as he narrowed his eye at me then nodded leading the way as we arrived at his building i saw a flame hair guy "Who is with you Kenshirou" he asked "I'm Twenty Faces" i said as i shook his hand "and he is your cell mate" Ken stated pushing me in the cell making me stumble a bit and i huffed "So what do i call you Flame" i asked "Flame? and my name is Musashi" he said "i say flame cause your hair man" i said as he nodded and we sat down bored "so what are you in here for?" he asked as i chuckled "stealing artifacts from museums returning them back to where the belong and escaping police to many times" i yawned as he nodded "I'm in here for burning down my parents house when i didn't" he said as i patted his shoulder and i touch the cloth over his eyes "what happened here?" i asked making him flinch "a old cellmate did this to me and i want my revenge" he said as i nodded "Hey Musashi want to know something" i asked as he nodded "like what?" he asked as i leaned in his ear "Im a girl" i stated as he stiffened and i chuckled as he turned towards "are you serious"he asked and i laid down laying my head in his lap "Yup but it a secret" i said as he nodded as Ken came back "Time for lunch" he stated unlocking our cell and i got up helping Musashi up as well "Oi Puppy can we train?" i asked as they both faced me "Yes you can train after lunch" he stated as i grinned as i moved my hand making his hat seem to float on my head "How did you do that 666" he asked as i tipped his hat on my head then he took it away "Magic" i said as we made it to the lunch hall and i looked around for an empty table and i grabbed Musashi's hand pulling along "slow down Twenty Faces" Musashi said as he i laughed "Slow down is not in my vocabulary" i stated as i sat down at the table and he sat across from me "ill get us food" i said as i went to the lunch line using my wire to grab the last sweet red bean soup and dumplings then i went back to the table setting the soup in front of Musashi "eat up" i said as we ate lunch in silence and Ken took us to building 5

when we arrived at building five Musashi stayed on the side lines away from everyone "samon inmate 666 has requested t train with your inmates" ken said as he typed on his laptop as Samon looked at me and sighed " whatever" he said as he trained with a Chinese kid and i looked around sniffing the air making my way over to older inmate "smell of healing herbs for cuts, scratches and bruises" i stated as he looked over at me as his eyes widen at my appearance sitting up slowly "Let me guess another herbalist?" he asked "I'm not just any herbalist I'm the Famous Twenty faces your damn pig wanted to hire but i refused" i chuckled as he sat up looking like he seen a ghost "How can you be twenty faces that's was like good 10 years ago with an adult?" He asked making me chuckle "why do you think people call me twenty faces" I asked as I walked away heading towards the Chinese kid and the monkey as they were training "care if I join?" I asked as Samon looked at me then at the kid "I don't mind since I have paper work to finish so you can spar with Laing here" he said and I nodded looking at Laing "call me twenty faces Laing" I stated as I got in a fight stance and he nodded then charged at me. I didn't budge when he landed blows on me then I pushed him right in the stomach making him crash into the herbalist and I heard clapping "Good work kid" Musashi stated naming me grin and I jumped on his back "thanks I know I'm amazing " I laughed as he just shook his head chuckling til I was grabbed by the back of my shirt and I flew backwards hitting the wall causing it to crumble down And I got up punching the big chunk of the wall off of me while coughing *You alright twenty?" Musashi said walking towards me helping me up "Im okay" i laughed out as i got up charging at laing going for punch but he blocked it but it was distraction and i kicked him in a tree knocking him out.

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