Chapter 1

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The police are after a criminal for ten years and they call 'Twenty Faces' since no one has seen his real face. "Alert! Twenty faces struck the museum and took a the sapphire tear!" the radio went off. When the police arrived twenty faces was already gone and they found everyone was knocked out cold. What they didn't know is that Twenty Faces was a nineteen year old girl from Nami High school for smartest and unique children. Her name is Sora Okami and is the top student in the school. She is running to the village of where the artifact originated from which is 1,000 miles away from the city, she is traveling at night so she would be less to spot in the sky cause of her steal swing she made when she was in Russia on summer vacation so she was able to fly like a free bird. She made it to the village putting the stone in the statue's eye and she flew away heading back to the city as she made it home she scooped up the morning newspaper off the newspaper truck. She made it home in one piece and she read the news paper after she took a shower getting ready for school "City is in Worry that the police cant capture Twenty Faces" she chuckled chucking the news paper in her bag and put her female uniform and her light green combat boots. She put on her jacket "Well shit" she glanced down at her shirt seeing her school emblem wasn't there and she got up fixing her skater's haircut. She looked around house, it was simple since she doesn't have a lot of stuff but what she needs and she walks out her house locking the door behind her then runs all the way to school. 

 When she reaches to the school she pulls out a thin metal wire whipping it at one of the cracks lodging it in there as she runs up the side of the building jumping on to the flag that is attach to the building and propels her to the four story window and she pulls herself inside as the bell rang. She went inside and sat in the back of class room, leaning backwards in her chair with a sigh "that was a close one Ryuu" the teacher said as one of male students laughed "at least the nick name the teachers gave you fits you since you practically flew up here" he laughed making her laugh and she nodded looking out the window. Just when the class started everyone heard police sirens enter the school grounds and police went inside the school making everyone murmur/gossip about what is going on but Sora could care less it was like they were coming for her. The police chief walked into the classroom making everyone go quiet "Excuse me but but one of your students at this school may be Twenty faces since we found this schools emblem at the museum" He said as he held up Sora's emblem "Now if all the male please follow me to the gym" he stated as the boys lined up then the police chief took the boys to the gym. Sora raised her hand "May i use the restroom" she asked and the teacher nodded and Sora rushed to the bathroom purposefully running into the police chief "Oh i'm so sorry Mister" she said as she picked pocketed him "its okay just be careful next time and don't run in the hallways" he said as he walked towards the gym with boys from the science lab. Sora went into the restroom putting her emblem back on her shirt then rushed back to class as the boys from her class headed back. Sora headed to her last class of the day which was Fighting/Gymnastics class as the police chief let one of his strongest police officers teach the students a few things but he witnessed his strongest officer get beat by Sora as she flipped him over with such ease and she blocked his attacks but she let a couple hit her in the face while she grinned like a Cheshire cat "Wow Sora must be going easy on him for his pride" Sora's best friend Mika said catching the Chief's attention "What do you mean?" he asked as Mika looked at him "she is the strongest in the school and when she smiles like that she is going easy on him" she explained as the chief narrowed his at Sora then she kicked the police officer off the mat.

 After school was out, Sora was walking home til she saw a police car following her home but she went into a store heading straight for their bathroom. She put on her male disguise looking like a boy with dark hair, reddish orange eyes, and she rubbed the makeup off her arms revealing her arm tattoos and is wearing a boy uniform then she exited the store. The police went inside the store to look for her but couldn't find her. She walked up the road til she heard police sirens go off and they stop right in front of her then the chief came out of the car "Excuse me son but i haven't seen you at the school today why?" he asked as he got out of the police car "oh I was skipping cuz I didn't feel like going to school" she stated as he was about to grab her to take her to the police station Sora dodged his grab ducking into the alleyway making her way up to the wall but when she pulled herself over the ledge a policeman shot at her. The bullet hit her right in her left arm causing her to cry out in pain as she clutched her arm when she clutched her arm she lost her footing falling into the garbage bags below. The policemen surrounded her pointing their guns at her in case she tries to run again " you are coming with us twenty faces" The chief stated at as she sighed as they put handcuffs on her and they were heading to the hospital which was relatively close to her home.

 When the doctors patched her up before they left her they handcuffed her to the bed. She used her skills to escape the handcuffs that held her to the bed she open the window aiming her metal wire across the street making it lodge into a building. After making g sure it was secured the police came into the the room, she waved at them then jumped out the window as they tried to grab her but they are too late and the chief glared at her while she stood up on top of truck waving at them then the police scurry out of the hospital into their vehicles going after her. She switched cars and she escaped through an Alleyway any up behind her home so she entered through her own window as the police pass by. The next day she didn't go to school since her arm was injured she stayed home since the school was being searched for an injured student so she called in sick today and she brewed up some healing medicine for her wound. She didn't bother to change off her disguise since she passed out from exhaustion from escaping the police last night after an hour bring her medicine she applied it under her wound causing her to hiss in pain "ugh......" She muttered as she bandaged up her arm again.

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