Chapter 3

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Laing's pov: 

'what was up with that kid? he has such strength in a skinny body' i thought as i paced around in cell 5 "Laing quit pacing around you are distracting me from my meditation" Upa said with annoyed voice "Oh uh sorry" i mumbled "Bothered by Twenty Faces?" Qi asked causing me to look at him with a nod "Apparently the pig wanted him but he refused and lived" Qi stated catching our attention "So you are meaning to tell that that kid is that Twenty faces?" Upa asked as Qi nodded "yup" I looked over at Upa then Samon came to the bars "time for your showers" he stated opening the cell door and we got in line with our clean clothes as we headed to the shower we saw Kenshirou's flame haired inmate stand in front of their Bathroom "why aren't you going in there inmate 34?" samon asked causing him to turn his head in our direction "Twenty Faces in there and uh I don't like taking showers with other men" he stated looking away as Twenty faces came "Your turn Musashi I made sure not to use to much of the water" he stated as Musashi patted his head "That's fine beside you took like 5 minutes anyways" he chuckled as he went into the showers and twenty waited for him "Keep staring i think you guys are gay" he stated "Well i cant help it that the Famous Twenty faces got caught" i stated causing him to laugh "i just got sloppy one job is all plus i let them catch me" he stated as he moved his hair out of his face looking at us "beside i'm much stronger than any human" he stated with a Cheshire cat grin til Musashi walked out and messed up his hair "Flame i just fixed my hair" he growled in annoyance and fixed his hair a bit "Oh well get over it and lets get going" he stated as he nodded "later dudes" he stated running after Musashi "oi wait up i'm shorter than you damn it!" he yelled tackling Musashi causing me to chuckle and head into the shower

Sora's pov: 

i laughed as Musashi gave me a piggy back ride til Kenshirou tried to pull me off but Musashi moved making him miss me and i grinned "Lets go back to our cell musashi" i said as he nodded "yes lets get going" he said as we headed to our cell and once we were inside i emptied my pockets of my wires and little weapons along with my notes "what was that sound?" he asked as i went through my stuff "some stuff i brought with me since i know they would not check me for any weapons" i stated as i hid my weapons in my chest wrap and i read my notes most the night with the help of the moonlight and i passed out with my notes in lap til i was woken up by someone taking my notes from my hand "Hmm interesting a Herbalist?" Kenshirou asked and i just shrugged putting my hand out to him "I would to have my notes back sir" i asked coldly but i snatched them from him and stuffed them in my chest wrappings making him raise an eyebrow at this "Inmate 666 why do you have chest wrappings?"he asked and i rolled my eyes looking over at Musashi then Kenshirou grabbed my arm causing Musashi to pull me to him away from Kenshirou "That is no way to treat an inmate dog" he stated causing me to rolled my eyes "i can take care of myself flame" i huffed angerly as he raised his hands up in defense "I was only to try to protect you" he stated making me sigh "i understand and thank you but i can handle my self" i stated as i looked over at Kenshirou and stretched "let me guess you gunna take me to the your crush?" i asked making him stiffen "what do you mean" he asked as i laughed "you like the warden baka" i stated "its so obvious that you like her but she wont look at you" i said as i leaned against musashi with a yawn "that's none of your business inmate" he stated coldly as i rolled my eyes at this and i yawned heading out the cell door while dragging musashi with me "where do you think you are going?" he asked "Warden's office and you better hurry up or people think you let your inmates escape from their cells" i yelled as i started to run leading musashi by holding his hand "Hey! stop!" Kenshirou shouted running after us after a while he soon caught up as we waited the warden's office laughing "We beat ya dog" i stated as musashi nodded in agreement and i knocked on the door then kicked it like Mitsuru does "What" the warden looked surprised and i just shrugged pointing at Kenshirou "he has something to report about that i'm a herbalist and an escape artist but you already knew that from our first meeting" i stated as the it processed in the warden's mind then her eyes narrowed as i just laughed at this then i looked at her as she was thinking "and inmate 666 is an handleful as well" kenshirou added surprising the warden as she nodded i stretched "inmate 666 is to be moved to building 13 for now til i figure out where to put him" she stated causing me to make an x "Hell to the damn no i dont want move i am perfectly fine with staying with these two besides Musashi is my best friend" i pouted adorably as it fazed through the warden and kenshirou "adorable with one eye" the warden mumbled "Oh this im not blind "i pull off the badnaged showing off my different color eyes to them causing their eyes widen a bit "just like inmate 13 but prettier eyes" Teh warden mumbled as i covered it back up "uh thanks well bye come on musashi its lunch time" i stated grabbing his hand dragging him with me 

Musashi's pov:

' this girl is strange and really strong' i thought as i was practically dragged by her and her hand is cold "I can walk you know and kenshirou is probably chasing us by now" i mumbled as i heard her laugh "i dont freaking care Musashi" she stated as we came to a halt and i patted her head "hey no touch the hair" she pouted and i chuckled "yeah yeah now lets go eat" i said as she cheered "food i love food" she laughed as i just smiled 'i wish i could see but he took my sight from me' i thought bitterly and sat down at our table as she grabbed our food and after we ate lunch we went back to our cell since kenshirou picked us up from the mess hall and she went to bed but she laid her in my lap since i was going to stay awake for a bit and i just petted her head as she slept "i wish i could see agian" i mumbled as she stirred and i dozed off.

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