Every Hour

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Ihave seen every hour of the clock

Moretimes than I'd like to admit

Somany opportunities of sleepless stock

Nohonest merit for weighted credit

Tickingand toking the hours count by

Arelentless march yearning for trumpets

Howoft' do I wish that while sleepless I lie

Tobe as that once known house Plantagenents.

Ridiculousam I for having seen the time

Thereis little wonder and mystery to me

Howlittle I care so too to dare

Tobear up that which is considered healthy

Ihave seen every hour of that cursed clock

Oftdo I wish I had never knew

Betweenunstoppable wind and immovable rock

I'dtake a matter of other than the two.

Isthat not strange, dear friends

ThatI do seem the time keeper

Whenwords I speak remain to tend

Iinstead should be a Reaper.

Everyhour you sleep, I smile with contempt

Wishingto know that sweet embrace

Whatcan I do, but compassion be lent

Togaze upon thy rested face.

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