As soon as he walked into the house, Cassy called out to him.  At first he debated ignoring her and just going up to his room; but he knew he would just end up in trouble.  No matter how much reverence he was getting out there; in this house, he was simply one of the kids.  And if he ignored his mother, she would tan his hide, or something like that.

With a sight he turned towards the kitchen.  His dad, mom, Sean, Patricia and Ellie were all sitting around the table waiting for him.

“Well?”  Cassy asked after he sat down.

“She knows she is my mate.”  Tyler said with a soft sigh as he tried to keep the despair from his voice.

Alex winced as he took in his son’s condition and his heart went out to him.

“I take it she is not as pleased as you had hoped she would be?”  Sean asked as he passed his brother the plate with cookies as Patricia got up to make an extra cup of coffee.

Shaking his head Tyler took one of the cookies and nibbled on it before answering.  “She is angry.  Very angry.”  He sighed.  “Very, very angry.  And hurt that I had not told her before now.”

Ellie folded her arms over her chest.  “I told you so.  If I was her I would be pissed.”

“Ellie!  Watch your language girl!”

She shot her mother an apologetic look.  “He still should have told her a long time ago!”

Alex sent a glare to his daughter that would have any normal, sane person running for the hills; but his children never claimed to be sane.

“Well, he should’ve.”  Ellie insisted stubbornly.

Tyler shot up and sent the chair he was sitting on flying through the air.  “I get it!  OK?!”  He shouted just before stomping out of the kitchen.

It was quiet in the kitchen as four pair of eyes turned to Ellie as she dropped her head onto the table and she did not have to see to know that they were all seriously mad at her for giving Tyler such a hard time.  “I’m sorry.”  She mumbled with her face still in the table.

“It is not us you have to apologize to young lady.”  Alex said and she could literally hear the disapproval dripping in his voice.

‘I know.”

With a sigh Ellie got up from her chair and walked up the stairs slowly.  When she reached his door, she raised her hand to knock, but his voice stopped her.

“Come to rub it in some more?”

“No.”  With the arrogant confidence of a younger sister, she opened the door and closed it behind her softly and walked over to where he was sitting on the floor with his head against the bed and joined him.

“I am sorry I was so mean.”  Ellie dropped her head against his shoulder, “I know you must be hurting too and you don’t need anybody else to make it worse for you.  Please forgive me?”

Tyler said nothing as he raised his arm and allowed Ellie to worm herself closer to him.  When she had settled down, he rubbed his chin over her head.

“You were right though, I should have told her.  I should have told her long ago.  But I just didn’t know how and if I had any idea she would feel this way, I …” He shook his head.

“You know you have to go and apologize to her, don’t you?”  Ellie asked after a moment of silence between them.

“She doesn’t want to see me right now.”

Ellie looked up at the bitterness in his tone.  “It doesn’t matter.  It is the right thing to do.”  She hugged his side tightly.  “All you have to do is apologize and leave.  Believe me.  If you don’t do that, it will make things a lot harder later on when she decides to let you explain to her why you did what you did.”

Cry wolf! (Sequel of 7 mates for 7 brothers)Where stories live. Discover now