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“No freaking way!”

Tyler wasn’t sure who spoke, and he couldn’t care either, he was just as surprised as the grownups. Actually, shocked was a much better word to describe how he felt.

“That was weird.”  Tyler commented in a dazed voice.

“Alex?”  Rudi’s voice sounded panicked.

Alex, being the wise man he is, said the one thing he could think of.  “Tyler?”

“I don’t know daddy.”  After a short hesitation he blinked his eyes rapidly as he tried to concentrate.  “It’s just … when I touched her hand and looked at her, it’s almost like I could see tomorrow, you know?”

“I think so.” 

“Good,” Tyler said in relief, “because I am not sure I understand.”  He smiled down at Mandy as he spoke.  She was crinkling her face and getting ready to bawl.  “Shh.” He said as he very, very gently smoothed the frown on her face.  Immediately her frown disappeared.

“May I have some juice please?”  Tyler asked when he registered how anxious Dinah was to feed Mandy.  He also knew that she did not fancy having an audience while doing so.  With one last look at Mandy he walked out the door to the kitchen.

Alex and Barry followed him out and a short while later Rudi came into the kitchen as well.  Barry congratulated him again and gave him a few instructions.  Most of them being about letting Dinah get as much rest as she could.  He yawned as he waved goodbye on his way out.

“And now,” Rudi asked taking a deep breath, “what do we do?”

Father and son glanced at each other, and then Alex relied with a slight smile.  “We don’t do anything.”

Rudi frowned at them.  “I am serious here, what do we do?”

Tyler looked at Rudi with a ‘duh’ look on his face but did not say anything.  He left that for his dad.

‘Nothing.”  Alex said shrugging.  “Nothing is going to happen right now, so we don’t have to do anything.”

“Oh,” Rudi said feeling rather sheepish.  “Of course.”  He took a loud gulp of juice, downing the entire glass in one go; wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he was done.  His feet tapping on the kitchen tiled floors nervously.

“What is bothering you Rudi?”  Alex asked when he had emptied his glass.

“What is going to happen, later?”

Rudi still looked rather dazed and Alex took it as a good sign.  Not that he liked Rudi being stumped, but rather that he did not laugh off Tyler’s claim that Mandy was his mate.  Right now, Rudi was only being a concerned father and he could not find any fault in that.  Hell, if it were his daughter, he would most likely be thinking of all the ways he could castrate the poor boy.  No father would like ‘loosing’ his daughter right after she had been born.

“When, later?”  Alex asked to be sure he was on the same page as Rudi.

Rudi scrambled around looking for words.  “You know …” he cleared his throat and swallowed down the lump in his throat.  “When he shifts.  If he is anything like you and your brothers, he will shift when he is fourteen, fifteen?  Mandy will only be seven or eight then!”

Alex had to fight hard to keep his lips from twitching.  If Rudi was only bothered about then, he should not have any problem reassuring his beta.  “That will not be an issue at all.  If you remembered what happened when Conrad met Grace?”

Cry wolf! (Sequel of 7 mates for 7 brothers)Where stories live. Discover now