[010] holy

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[A/N: I have changed my mind and I still want the Avengers head quarters to be at stark tower, so lets just keep it at that. Enjoy chapter 10!! :))]

Pulling up in front of the Avengers Tower, I had the biggest teen-age smile on my face, the whole world could practically see the excitement radiating off my body, the whole world also probably heard my intense yell.

"Woah kiddo, you okay?" Steve asked with an amused grin on his face.

"Sorry, sorry. I guess i'm just really excited." I replied, walking into the tall, expensive looking building.

I never thought in most of my life that I would be so thrilled to join something I hated so much, I guess i'm just excited to be excepted into a group of people that could potentially be my new family.

After Steve and I make it out of the glass elevator, we enter to what looks like the main living area for the team, to then see the whole team quite yelling and fixing the objects in the fancy room.

"Uh..guys?" Steve asks looking confused but smiling a bit.

Tony, a blonde women, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce all turn around slowly, all looking very nervous.

"Hi Lylah!" the blonde, perky women says. "I'm Pepper, i'll take your things for you." she said as she took my little bag and walked into hallway.

After that, everyone look very...well..awkward. I'd would never thought i would see thee Avengers look like there gonna crap there pants. But I knew the reason for their scared-ass faces, it's because of me.

"Hey kiddo...." Tony says as he walks forward towards me. "No hard feeling -.." he said but stopped as I was about to punch him with all my might, but cap had grabbed me before I could touch him.

Steve gave me a stern glare, but it turned soft once he saw my eyes were filled with fear. "Hey, it's okay. There not gonna hurt you, they were just taking order from Fury, who thinks you have been taken to one of the S.H.E.I.L.D training schools. Your with us now.

"Hurray." I say with dullness and a roll of my eyes.

"Um, could you repeat that last thing again?" Clint questions, looking up from him cleaning his bow and arrows.

"Hurray?" I question.

"No, before that." Clint says.

"Yea, what Capsicle said..." Tony said with a smirk.

"She is with us now?" Cap questions.

"Yea whats that supposed to mean?" Clint says.

Natasha walks towards me. "It means she is on the team."


[The next day, pov changed to third person]

"Come on Lylah, you only did like 20 push ups, you still have 40 to go." Natasha said with a smirk as Lylah lay flat on her stomach in the tower's gym.

"Well that's easy for you to say, your the frigging Black Widow for God's sake!" Lylah said into the ground.

"Language kid." said a man's voice, Lylah lifted her head to see the Steve leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, wearing a grin on his face. Lylah rolled her eyes and set her head back on the ground.

"You should of heard the words she was saying while doing pull ups." Natasha added, walking to Lylah and picking her up to her feet. 

Steve sighed. "Probably couldn't stoped you if I wanted to Lylah, anyway, we are all meeting in the lounge, to, yeah know, talk about you with the team." He said with a smile, putting his hand on her shoulder.

As the trio walk into the lounge, they were to busy in there own conversation to hear that a much louder one had just started to occur.

"Mr.Stark, I need an explanation now. Why did you take her?! Where is she?!" She heard a voice say.

As she was waking backwards, she stopped dead in her tracks. She knew that voice.

It was a voice she had come to love, a voice she would confine to, a voice she cares about.

Lylah slowly and warily turns to see a face she had wished to see for so long.


"Lylah." He said, relief coming from his body.

Lylah smiled, then stopped as her eyes  grew wide.

Peter wasn't wearing his normal attire, instead it was far from normal.

Lylah mouth fell agape.



To be honest, I am just having some trouble writing this fic,(I WILL NOT STOP THO!)  as it being my first marvel fan fiction ever. I am still very new to the whole process, and I just did not have this story planed at all, and it still is not. This is why, I think, it is taking so long to write, for I'm not even sure what's gonna happen in the next chapter. But I will not stop writing this, it might just take longer than usual.

Any who, happy holidays!!! Thanks so much for all the support I am still getting for this book, I mean come on guys😂. I also have a gif series if you would plzzz check that out!! Also fill free to contact me if you have a fic, want to give me critique on my writing , or even just want a internet buddy!

Have a great day/evening/night, and I love you all!!!!!

Bye kids!!!

Camryn 🌻

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