Hard Times

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(A/N) ; Hi! I'm someone filled with ideas but I'm not sure how to put them in words. I read a lot and I thought I'd give it a try! Thanks~

(F/N) = First Name

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(S/T) = Skin Tone

He remembers.

He remembers the soft warmth of her embrace, her bright, (E/C) eyes looking at him behind those long eyelashes. Oh, how her eyes were breathtaking, her (S/T) cheeks were always stained with salty tears. Who would ever dare hurt someone as fragile as she was?

If you must wait, wait for them here in my arms as I shake

The hatred he felt for those who hurt her.

"Father! I- please forgive me, I-"

"enough, you insolent, ungrateful brat!" her father said, with a deep, enraged voice.

He quickly grabbed her wrist and threw her frail body onto the hard, wooden floor.

Tears flooded her vision once again, she was barely able to look up at her father's blurry, drunken figure.

After a few hours of intense abuse, her mother, unable to watch any longer, dragged her husband to bed.

The young first year shakily hid under her covers, barely having enough force to call her beloved.

"Hello? (F/N)?" a smooth, calm and collected voice answered the phone after a few rings.

"K-Keiji! I-I was umm wondering if I could, uh, come over? B-Bokuto-san told me you, your parents w-were abroad." The frantic girl tried to explain to her beloved boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji.

"Alright. Please, be careful on your way here, (F/N). Until then." He hung up, hoping she could make it through.

It was a beautiful summer night, the quiet singing of cicadas, the faint brightness of the stars was blinded by the bright city lights of Tokyo.

She was safe in his arms, but he couldn't help but think about what they did to her.

The thought only already made his blood boil.

If you must weep, do it right here in my bed as I sleep

He heard her muffled sobs and cries. During the wee hours of the night she wept and cried and moaned as Keiji slept, right by her. Waking up every now and then, but not wanting to embarrass the poor girl, he just held her a bit closer in his big, luxurious bed.

Maybe he should've said something.

If you must mourn, my love, mourn with the moon and the stars up above

And a few months later, her parents died in a car accident while her father was drunk and driving.

The poor girl was met with tragedy after tragedy.

If you must mourn, don't do it alone

Keiji was with her, every day. She now stayed with him, snuggling his warmth and love every night. Of course, there were days she didn't know what to do anymore. Her family was shattered, broken to pieces, and although their relationship was toxic, she couldn't help but miss her mother's pain-filled eyes, obviously sorry for what was happening to her daughter.

『love songs』// A. KeijiWhere stories live. Discover now