Chapter 2

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The warm pressure that is around my face is lifted and I'm able to move my head freely. I opened my eyes to the radiant green ones that i am now familiar to. Concerned, Column looks over my face, searching for anything that will assure him I'm okay. I cant think and now is no time words, and I think he understands that, Column gets up of the bed and examines the floor beneath his bare feet.

I'm the first one to speak because the silence is just a little to awkward now. I clear my throat in an attempt to seem confident but it merely comes out as a choke.“Um…. I'm sorry I woke you… it happens all the time, don’t worry”  

“No no don’t be sorry, its fine really. So this isn’t the first time then?” he asks looking up from the apparently highly interesting floor tiles. Honestly I just wanted him to leave, I didn’t want him to ask anymore questions.

“Yeah it happens all the time” I say with a slight laugh at the end, but again the sound more resembles that of a dying frog.

“Okay well I’ll let you get back to it then” he sounds so awkward and it just pains me that he cant be straight forward with me and actually tell me what he’s thinking because I'm pretty sure he thinks I should be in a mental institution.

Before I can finish my thought he's already half way out the door I turn over before I see him fully disappear.

I notice he exits the room so silently its odd, I turn back around to face the door expecting to see him standing there staring at me, but instead I find no Column, but the door left wide open.

I listen out for the click of his bedroom door but it never comes. That's odd.

There is no way I'm going back to sleep, closing my eyes for more than a minute scares me, it frightens me that the images can just come back at any moment. So I stay wide eyed and completely still.


I can just see the faint light shining through the white curtains, I automatically relax. I don't know how long I have been waiting in the darkness, but my body finally feels relieved.

I feel safe now, safe from any unwanted dreams or images. Now that the sun has scared away the darkness. I close my eyes and snuggle into the blankets and almost instantly slip under.


I wake to silence. Just the way I like it. Now the sun is much more brighter and higher in the sky, the white curtains are slung open wide letting in every inch of light. That's weird the were closed early this morning.

I lift my head from the pillow and slip out from under the covers in one smooth movement, it feels odd when my feet hit the cool tiles as I'm so used to carpet.

I'm in need of a shower, but I have no clothes, as i look around the room some how hoping to find the answer on the blank walls, some thing blue catches my eye, on the end of the bed.

I gingerly walk to the foot of the bed, and am able to see a neatly folded blue piece of material clearly. I pick it up with both hands and let in unfold in front of me.

Its beautiful. A deep blue sun dress. Hardly something I would ever wear. I look around the room, as if to look for were it came from.

I look back at the bed and find neatly folded under garments and a piece of paper. I put down the dress and pick up the paper.



Column did this? how sweet, although I would feel extremely uncomfortable in a dress it would seem rude to just reject the kind gesture, so I walk to the attached bathroom with clothes in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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