Soarin x Female!Reader: Pie and What Follows

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You giggle a little as you watch your friend Soarin stuff an entire pie in his mouth at once. He smiles at you in a goofy way, pie hanging out of his mouth.

You don't get to see Soarin much anymore, since he's a Wonderbolt, but recently, he had contacted you and you found a space in both of your schedules where neither him nor you was doing anything. You had brought the pie as a gift for Soarin, since you know that's one thing about him that will never change.

Actually, you brought several pies. Soarin had already eaten three of them.

"Whoa there, you should probably save some of that pie for later, and take a pause to swallow," you tell him. As much as you're amused by the sight of the pegasus eating so many pies, you think it best for him to stop eating them for a little bit so he won't choke. He takes a minute to swallow before speaking.

"So, uh, thanks for the pies." You love those silly faces he always makes. "But you know what's sweeter than a pie?" He apparently expects an answer from you.

You think for a moment, first wondering if he's being serious or if it's a joke. "No, what?"

"You are." Soarin's grin is rather cocky now. You roll your eyes, then your eyes widen as his pie-flavored lips touch yours. You weren't expecting that, but you don't pull away either.

When you do stop, it's for lack of air.

Soarin averts his green eyes, his face slightly flushed. After a moment, he speaks again.

"I just missed you, I guess."

You smile at him. "I didn't mind it."

He looks at your face. "Really?"

"What I did mind was that cheesy pick-up line. We've known each other for a few years."

Soarin looks sheepish. "But it's true! You are sweeter than pie."

You stay silent for a moment. "Well, thanks."

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