Sunburst x Female!Fearful!Reader: Don't Be Scared

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You scream.

Your friend Sunburst comes running through the door from the other room where he had been reading at top speed. "What's wrong?" he asks.

You point down at the floor, where a large black spider is crawling. Sunburst sighs a little, then picks up the spider in his magic and carries it over to the door, setting it down outside before coming back over to you. "I thought it was going to be something worse," he tells you.

You droop your head a little. Part of you knows that you just wasted his time, but part of you immediately cheers up whenever you see him or hear his voice.

"S-sorry," you say. You droop your head a little.

Sunburst looks at you for a moment before speaking.

"You're probably always going to be the scared," he begins, and you feel slightly ashamed. "But that's why I'm here." He trots over to you and sits down right next to you. "I'll be your knight, and you're my princess." You can feel your face turning pink, and you don't think that it's possible to blush more... until he puts a hoof around you. "You're afraid of most things, but I think it makes you adorable."

"Really? It doesn't bother you?"

"Not at all; I enjoy being 'bothered' by you. And I'll always be there; I'll be brave enough for both of us."

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