Discord x Female!Reader: Learning to Love You

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Discord and Fluttershy were having one of their weekly tea parties when the doorbell rang. Fluttershy stood up and walked over to open the door.

"Hey Fluttershy," the visitor said.

"Would you like to come in?" the yellow pegasus asked, opening the door a little wider to allow the (color) (pony type) to enter, and she obliged.

Discord looked up as the (p/t) came in, and instantly froze in place--literally. This mare who knew Fluttershy was one of the most beautiful things he'd seen that he hadn't made himself.
"Um, Discord?" asked Fluttershy, concerned. "Are you okay?" The ice around him melted out of existence.

"Er--well--yes," Discord said, slightly flustered.
The mare giggled a little. "Who's this, Fluttershy?"
"O-oh, this is Discord," Fluttershy replied, realizing the two had never met.
"Nice to meet you, Discord. I'm (y/n)."
"I've heard about you from Fluttershy, and I've been positively DYING to meet you," said Discord, having regained his composure. Of course, he had no interest in meeting her until he realized how beautiful she was.
"Anyway, I'll be going now, since it seems you're busy," (y/n) said, turning around to leave.
"Fluttershy, I'm afraid I'll have to skip out on the rest of this tea party," Discord said, snapping his claws and teleporting away.
"O-oh my, is Discord... in love?" Fluttershy wondered, the draconequus long gone.

"(Y/n)!" Discord trilled, teleporting to right next to you, causing you to jump in surprise.
"Y-yes?" you asked, unsure as to what he would want with you.
"To tell you the truth, I..." He seemed to be having trouble to convince himself to say something. There was a small flash of light, and something appeared on his paw. It was a piece of paper. He held it out to you. "Oh, just read this."
You took the paper from him and read it.

I think I love you. You are one of the few ponies who didn't shy away from me because of my appearence; and you're beautiful like chaos.

Taken aback, you looked up at the face of the unusual creature that Discord was.
"Well, I may not love you YET, but I think I can learn." You reached out and put your hoof in his paw, and he smiled at you, fang and all.

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