" Thank you so much Ammy ,you are the best mamma in the world and in shaa Allah I will take your words to heart and create a legacy with them ,you've raised me well and now you will reap the fruits of your labour ,this house will forever be my home ,how can it not be ?I was born here ,I learned how to sit and crawl ,my first steps were in the halls of this house ,my first words and first day at school .

I cannot be happier with any other parents apart from you and am thankful to be blessed with you , I will miss you so much Ammy but you'll always be in my heart and if I get the chance I will visit you every day .I love you so much Ammy to the square of infinity " I choked out while she chuckled

" who told you a married woman can visit her mother everyday ,don't you know it's a taboo to do so and people will start gossiping that she had bewitched her husband? " she joked winking at me .

After I went back to my room ,Simran and Jiddah kept asking me about the talk with Ammy

" Abeg let me be ,you will have the talk too when your time comes ,now let's continue from where we've stopped, we have a lot of preparation against tomorrow "

" I've never seen a bride that is so mean to her friends until you " Simran pouted .

" Then welcome to the club ,make sure you hold unto the lifetime lessons meanie's best friend" I stated with a poker face

" Meanie is that how you're going to treat your husband ? " Jiddah said winking at me with a smirk I wished I can wipe it  out with a stone from her face

" Shut up you two let's finish this  and go to bed it's late already and we don't wanna be grumpy tomorrow do we ?"

" What if the groom is an oaf ?" Simran teased while she's changing into her PJ's .

" Then he will divorce me and take you as a second wife because he will find your sense of humour far more appealing to him than mine will ever be, but he will send you out of his house in a couple of hours because you reek  " I retorted making myself comfortable .

After over two hours  of lying restlessly in  bed ,I kept turning and thinking of the things Ammy told me ,I silently went out of bed and walked down to Ammy 's room who was past asleep ,I snuggled beside her ,draw the blanket over us and a deep slumber overtook me .


The D day is finally here and in a couple of hours my status will change forever, I've read a lot of books that I've lost count of and none of those books have done justice to how wedding jitters really feels like ,I felt like  vomiting my intestines out, my heart is beating erratically ,my hands are shaking and my feet are cold and wobbly.

I couldn't sit and the make up artiste is annoying the  life out of me ,I can do my make up just fine ,I don't need someone to make me sit for hours ordering me to turn ,open my eyes ,close them ,turn left and right ,don't move an inch and the list goes on and on all  in the name of dolling me up. By Allah if it's in my power I will ban wedding ceremonies and all the things included in it ,especially this annoying make up .

Simran and Jiddah were busy Awwing and goshing about how beautiful I look and that the lucky man will be stupefied when he sets his eyes on me .Even after the make  up artiste was done I refused to look at myself in the mirror ,only Allah knows how I feel that moment and the devil hasn't come yet,Abby and the rest of his entourage have already left for the nikkah which will hold at the juma'at mosque .

" Stop looking at me like I've grown horns Simmy or I swear to God I will strangle your ugly long neck " I snapped at simran who held her hands on her chin smiling at me creepily.

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